I Will Not Be Late For Class || Chapter 19

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Luke's POV

I really wish Amelia would've waited for me to talk before she left. My mom was out of town for the next couple of days, so it was just me and the boys, except they were still sleeping, so I had to take care of Aiden by myself. I barely know how to take care of myself, let alone a little kid. I doubt they'd help if I asked them to.

I'm now in the kitchen and Aiden is in his high chair, crying for I don't know what reason. I have eggs and bacon cooking on the stove, and I'm making toast. "Aiden, please stop crying!" I beg, taking him out of his high chair. I rub his back, rocking him back and forth. Nothing worked. I smelled smoke and turn around, seeing the eggs and bacon burn. "Oh, shit." I curse, putting Aiden back down in his high chair, before making my way over to the stove, moving the frying pan off the burner. Aiden is still crying, so I thought I'd give him a glass of milk. I grab a cup and poor in the milk, tipping the carton a little too fast, making some of the milk spill on the floor. "Damn it." I muttered, putting the milk back in the fridge, before making my way over to Aiden. My foot stepped in the puddle on the floor, making me slip and land on the floor with a loud thud. I groan, sitting up. I realized the crying stopped, and it was replaced by a high pitched giggle. I look over to Aiden and he was laughing and clapping his hands. "Wow, you really are Ashton's." I said to him, a slight laugh escaping my lips. After he stopped laughing, he started crying again. "Not again." I got up and walked over, picking him up.

"Luke! Tell that baby to shut the fuck up!" Michael yelled from upstairs.

"Mate, don't you think I've tried that?" I shouted. A revolting smell filling my nose, making me hold him out away from me. "Oh, god no." I muttered, turning my head, trying to hold my breath. I lay a towel down on the counter, before laying him down on it. I undo his diaper, taking a peek. "Oh my god! What did you eat?" I said, plugging my nose and trying to wave the smell away from me. Ashton should be doing this, not me. I thought to myself. Wait. Ashton! I picked up Aiden, and walked out the door. I make my way over to Amelia's and bang on the door. I hear foot steps approach the door, followed by a sleepy, shirtless Ashton appearing behind the open door.

"Hey, mate. What's up?" He groaned, his eyes half closed. I hold up Aiden and hand him to Ashton.

"Merry Christmas!" I say, before running back to my house, leaving Ashton on the porch with a look of confusion on his face.

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Amelia's POV

I'm now in detention, writing on the chalk board. I've written I will not be late for class at least 40 times already, my wrists are killing me. "Keep writing, Miss Macdonald. You have 60 more to do." Mrs. Audrey spoke, her eyes not leaving her laptop. I rolled my eyes, turning back to the board. I start a new sentence, going slower because my wrists still hurt. Just then, the intercom buzzed.

"Mrs. Audrey?" The voice spoke through the big speaker on the wall.

"Yes?" She spoke, lifting her head.

"There's some papers here at the office we need you to fill out." They spoke. I sigh in relief.

"Alright, I'll be down soon. Thank you." She stood up, making her way to the door. "Keep writing, Mrs. Macdonald." She spoke, not turning around. She just walked out and closed the door behind her. I sigh and pull out my phone, clicking Luke's contact.

"Hey, Luke! How's my boy?" I speak, writing more on the board.

"Never leave me with your kid again." He spoke. I giggled.

"Sorry! I was late! And wasn't your mom there to help?"

"No! She's out of town for a couple days!" He spoke, a tone in his voice I can't quite predict.

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