I Hate School || Chapter 18

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Amelia's POV

I awoke to the sound of Sex by The 1975 blaring by my head. I shot up and grab my phone. Someone's calling me. I swipe right and press the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I groaned.

"Amy!" Meghan shouted through the phone. "Where are you? Classes start in 10 minutes!" She sounded like she was panicking.

"FUCK!" I shouted, getting out of bed and heading to the bathroon. "Thanks, ill be there as soon as I can." I said, closing the door. She ends the call and I brush through my hair and put it in a messy bun. I apply some eyeliner and mascara, before running back to my room. Ashton was in my bed again, still sound asleep. I made sure he wasn't awake, before stripping out of my clothes, leaving me in a bra and my underwear. I grab my blouse out of the drawer and slide my arms through the sleeves.

"Nice bum, babe." A voice mumbled behind me, I turn around and screech, covering myself up, my blouse still undone.

"Ash! Don't look!" I said, covering myself.

"Nothing I haven't seen before." He smirked, sitting up a bit.

"Turn around! I need to get changed!" I say, ticked off. He chuckled before laying back down and laying facing the other way. I grab my skirt and do up my blouse quickly. I throw on my blazer and knee high socks, before grabbing my shoes. I walk over to Asthon, leaning down and kissing his head before I run my hand through his hair. "Bye, Ash. I'm going to school. I'll see you later." I say.

"Bye babe." He mumbled. Babe? I made my way out of my room, taking Aiden out of his crib. I run downstairs and grab my bag. Heading out the door. I run next door, walking into Liz and Luke's living room.

"Liz?" I whisper yell. I heard a noise in the kitchen, so I followed it. I walk in and see a messy haired Luke in sweats and a tshirt, holding a glass of orange juice. "Oh, hey." I say, giving him a weak smile. He turned around and smiled.

"Hi." He spoke quietly. "What are you doing here?" He took a sip of orange juice, before putting the glass down.

"I'm late for school. I'm just dropping Aiden off." I spoke, handing him to Luke. His face went into confusion. Just as he's about to open his mouth to speak, I stop him. "So his diapers and extra clothes and wipes are in his bag. He's got some toys here and if he's hungry, cut up a banana or give him Cheerios. Either one satisfies. Ok I gotta go." I say, practically all in one breath as I make my way out of the kitchen, to the front door.

"But, I don't know how to take-"

"Thanks, Luke! Love you!" I cut him off, before shutting the door.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I run through the school doors, sprinting through the empty halls. Oh god I'm so late. I thought, as I mentally slap myself. As I'm arriving at my class, the anxiety starts showing up. I hate walking into class late, especially in Mrs. Audrey's. She embarrasses you and punishes you, or just hates you for no reason. I take in a deep breath, before turning the handle. As I step into the class, all eyes turn to me, including Mrs. Audrey's. My heart starts pounding in my chest as I take a big gulp. "Ms. MacDonald." She spoke, her grey frizzy hair up in a neat bun, her lime green cardigan fitting loosely around her torso, her eyes piercing at you through those thick glasses which are on a string around her neck. "Why are you late?" She practically shouted. I look around to the other kids in my class. You've got the gamers and comic freaks, the kids who know everything, the kids who are so shy you don't even know what they sound like, the jocks wearing their football jackets, and the popular girls with their fake hair and expensive clothes. I noticed that another pair of eyes were staring angrily at me. I remember that death glare anywhere.

"I... umm... I-I " I stuttered, trying to spit out my words.

"She was probably making more kids with that dick of a drummer." A snobby annoying voice spoke, making some people laugh. I looked for the source where the voice came from, and my stomach flipped. Fuck. I though to myself. It came from the eyes of the death glare. Courtney. I didn't know she was in my class. Hell, I barely knew anybody in my class. The only person I really talked to was a quiet, nice girl named Emily. She's quiet at school, but once she's comfortable with you, she's like a megaphone. She may not show it, but she's a wild fan girl. I never told her I was best friends with Luke, so I just play it off. I fan girl with her a lot.

"Courtney, that's not very appropriate." Mrs. Audrey spoke, rather politely actually. She treats Courtney like she's an angel sent from heaven. Then she treats me like I'm Satan trying to capture her cold soul, or if she even has one. Courtney just laughed it off. Really? You don't even make her apologize? She basically calls me a slut and she doesn't even get a warning and I answer a question wrong and get detention. That's pretty fair. I wanted to shout at her. "Just... Take your seat." She spat, waving me away, before looking back down at her text book. I made my way awkwardly towards my seat, which happened to be 2 seats behind Courtney. As I'm making my way down the isle, her eyes are piercing through me as she had an evil smirk plastered on her face. I haven't seen a grin like that since Luke and I watched Batman before he left. I walk slowly, my eyes nervously looking back at hers, before I move mine to the back wall. Before reaching my seat, something came from underneath me, making me trip over it. My books fall from my hands as I tumble to the floor. I land with a loud thud, making me release a loud groan, followed by a group of howling laughter.

"Mrs. Audrey! Amelia can't even stay on her own feet. Is she drunk?" Courtney spoke up, acting innocent. I looked down and her leg was sticking out. She looked back at me and slid her leg back underneath her desk. That bitch.

"I doubt it, Courtney." She said, turning around from the chalk board. "And Amelia, you will have detention after school." Courtney then snarled. I shook my head and picked myself up off the ground, gathering all my books. I take my seat and sigh.

I hate school.


Hiiiiii guys! Sorry I haven't been updating! School, homework, sports. It's killing me. Anyways....

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Thank you soooooo much for 600 reads and 100 votes! It means so much guys!

Love you cuties! Xx ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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