Chapter 2

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Katniss, Prim, and Alessia walk down the rocky and muddy road to the center of the District. All 3 of them are silent, they have no words to say because they don't know what to say.
Alessia breaks the silence, "If I get picked, promise me that you guys will keep going. Don't give up, okay?"
"Your not going to get picked Ali, your not." Katniss denies it.
"I dunno... both our names have been put in there a like a million more times, it's possible," Alessia looks at Katniss, they both have worried looks.
Alessia's nerves get stronger each step she takes as they get closer and closer to the town square.
"What if I get picked..." Prim asks, she stops walking and looks up at the two older girls.
"Your not going to, your name is only in there once," Katniss says as she tries to comfort her little sister.
Alessia looks at the young girls terrified face and says,"Besides, if you do get chosen, I will volunteer. I have taken care of you guys for awhile now and I'm here to protect you, alright?"

They eventually reach the town square. The whole town is there. Two or three chairs on the large stage were filled by the Mayor and a capitol citizen named Effie.
Prim stops in her tracks as she sees a line of children going up to a desk where they prick the kids finger for blood. She screams.
"Prim! It's okay, it's okay," Katniss tries calming her down.
"It's only a little bit of blood, they only need a little blood. After they check you in, you go stand over there with the other young kids. Alessia and I will come and meet up with you after it's done, okay?"
Alessia taps Katniss' shoulder, "We have to get in line, we don't want to be late."
Katniss leads Prim to a line and they all stand, waiting for their turn.
Katniss and Prim get a finger prick and go to their marked area. Alessia is next, "Finger please." The lady grabs her finger aggressively and pokes it. Blood comes out, and the lady puts her finger on a scanner. "Name?" She asks. "It's Alessia Foreheart." Alessia gives her attitude. She hates these type of people, all they do is torture every single kid in every district. She doesn't think it's right.
Once Alessia is done, she walks over to the older girls area and stands with Katniss.

The town clock strikes 2 O' Clock and the Mayor steps up to the podium and microphone.
"Welcome, citizens of Panem. Welcome to District 12's reaping of the 74th annual Hunger Games. As you may know, disaster struck what used to be North America, and what rose from the ashes came the new land of Panem. Panem is the land we all stand on now. Panem was a shining capitol ringed by thirteen districts, each contributing to one type of work in the majority." The mayor was saying in a very monotone and boring voice. Alessia has heard this speech every year and it got more and more boring. She yawned.
The mayor continued on, "That is, until the dark days. The districts began rebelling against the capitol which obviously resulted into the unfortunate event of a total civil war breaking out. And yet, the capitol predictably took the title of "winner" by taking total destruction seriously and erasing District 13's civilization forever. Now, the Hunger Games was the result of this happening and it must go on. In the event of the uprising, each of the twelve districts must offer one boy and one girl tribute to participate in the Hunger Games, and must strictly be the ages of 12 through 18." By now, the whole town seemed to be asleep except for Effie and any other capitol civilians who were so interested, it looked like they were hypnotized.
The mayor STILL went on, "The contestants will be put in an outdoor arena where they must survive all types of danger and fight to the death, or leave it up to nature. The last tribute standing wins. It is both a time for repentance and a time for thanks. In the past 73 Hunger Games, we have only had a few victors representing district twelve. A living victor representing district twelve is here today. Welcome, Haymitch Abernathy."
Haymitch stumbles onto the stage in a completely drunken manner. He shouts in gibberish and slurs his words, "Puthabidtha Hoonga Gaims!"
He then stumbles and almost trips into the third chair, startling Effie. He then starts checking her out, but she gives a disgusted look and glares at him. Effie's very large wig then tilts to the right as she pushes Haymitch away as he attempts to lean in and kiss her.
"How you doin'?" Haymitch struggles to get the words out.
Katniss and Alessia start quietly snorting and giggling in the crowd. They attempt to be quiet but fail miserably.
The mayor puts his hand up to his head and mumbles to the microphone, "Oh dear... please welcome Effie Trinket of the Capitol!"
Effie hurriedly attempts to fix her wig with no avail. She then quickly goes up to the podium, "Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!"
In the crowd Gale and Alessia lock eyes from afar. They both turn away as Effie crosses to the girl's glass ball filled with small paper names and shakes it, "Ladies first."
Alessia crosses her fingers that it wouldn't be any of her close friends. She closes her eyes shut and can feel the pit of her stomach slowly dropping.
Effie pulls out a name and walks back to the podium.

She slowly opens the small slip of paper and starts to read it, "Primrose Everdeen."

A/N: AHH 2nd CHAPTER IS DONE! Whoohoo! I hope it was good 😂
Please comment any suggestions or feedback if you have any, thanks! 😘

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