Chapter 9

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The next morning, Alessia is still sleeping when Effie knocks on the door.
"Up! Up! Up! It's going to be a big day!" Effie claps her hands together.
Alessia groans and throws her pillow over her face.
She finally gets up and walks out of her room. Peeta, Haymitch, and Effie are talking in hushed, urgent voices in a corner a few doors down. Alessia walks over there and asks, "What's going on? I thought we were supposed to meet at the Training Center. You know, for the interview training?"
They immediately stop talking and turn to her.
Haymitch hesitates, "Well, there's been a change of plans."
Alessia furrows her eyebrows, "Like what? New location?"
Haymitch answers, "About our current approach."
Alessia asks Haymitch, "What's that?"
Haymitch pauses, "Peeta has asked to be coached separately."
Alessia raises her eyebrows, "What did you say?"
Haymitch says, "You will be coached separately. Peeta has asked for it."
Alessia scoffs, she can't believe it. She glared at Peeta, ignoring his plea to not be mad.
"Well good then. What's the schedule?" She says, giving attitude.
"Well there's been another another change of plans as well," Haymitch says.
Alessia sighs, "Great. What now?"
"Well, it wasn't going to be a private session in the first place, and Peeta has something he wishes to keep secret for the interviews, and that's the only reason why were to coach you both. Strategy. Secrets. But as it seems, you have no real strategy planned like we asked you to, we've decided that
with the tight schedule, we'll keep the private session for Peeta. Peeta, you know where to meet me.
4 o'clock, sharp," Haymitch explains.
Peeta nods and walks away.
Haymitch continues, "As for you, Alessia, you seem
ready enough, so we'11 coach you now. Effie will coach you first."
Effie smiles and walks off. Alessia follows.

After hours of Effie training Alessia, Effie trots out into a room Haymitch is in. Alessia follows behind.
Haymitch is sipping on a drink, as usual.
"After two hours of training, I've gotten her to get perfect posture, a winning smile, and more. You
should be grateful," Effie says and then walks out with a smile.
Haymitch looks over at Alessia, "Did she teach you that too?"
Alessia nods.
"Good. So, I've gotten Peeta's themes- I easy. All that's hard to do is find your theme," Haymitch says.
Katniss asks, "And why is that?"
Haymitch sighs, "Peeta has a natural subtle and likeable humor. You... well, it's not easy to work with positivity and you."
Alessia puts her hands on her hips, "That's not very nice."
Haymitch gives a small smile, "Don't get me wrong, you're pretty incredible. I mean, you saved one of your family friend's life, got the highest score possible, and Cinna made you unforgettable. No one knows who you are, but they are intriqued. This
is where you will show them yourself. Where you get the most sponsors. All we need to work on is the hostility."
Alessia says confidently, "No we don't."
Haymitch shakes his head, "Everytime you open your lips, ice escapes."
Alessia scoffs, "Does not!"
Haymitch gives a small laugh, "Uh huh. Sure."
Alessia responds, "I can be positive."
"Please. Whoever that was in that chariot, she hasn't shown up ever since. I've neer seen her before that, either. I have no clue how you pulled that off," Haymitch says.
Alessia gives a sarcastic tone, "Yes, because you've given me so many reasons to be cheery."
Haymitch starts to explain, "You don't have to please me, you have to please the audience. The sponsors. From everything I've done with you and from what Effie has reported to me, I've gathered a few things. Not only are you hostile, but I don't know anything about you. We've been around you for about two weeks, asked you about two hundred questions, and we still have no clue about who you really are. They want to know about you, Alessia."
Alessia starts to yell, "I don't want them to! They're
already taking my future, why should I let them take my past?!"
Haymitch also starts to yell, "Than lie! Make something up!"
Alessia shrugs, "I'm not good at lying."
Haymitch has had enough and says, "Well, you better learn fast. You've got about as much charm as a dead slug. You know what? Just do whatever you want. I give up. I've pondered over everything, and none of them suit you enough. Improvise."
Alessia walks out of the room. Haymitch picks up his drink and sips it.
Alessia walks quickly to her room and slams the door.
She sits on her bed and gets close to tears.
She mutters herself, "I hate this."
Then she shouts, "I HATE THIS!"
She starts trashing the room, yelling, crying, and and
going on and on about how much she hates the capitol. The avox girl from the dining room walks in. Alessia pays no attention to her. The avox girl tries to clean up the mess, but is interrupted by Alessia before she could even pick something up.
"Leave it! Just leave it!" Alessia says.
Alessia sobs, collapsing to the ground. The avox girl kneels beside her. Alessia sobs for a few moments before recollecting herself. She struggles to hold in the tears.
Alessia whispers, "I should have saved you."
The Avox girl shakes her head.
Alessia says, "No. It was wrong."
The avox girl replies with tapping her lips, then to
Alessia's heart.

Alessia has recognized her from hunting in the woods with Gale and Katniss. When they hid behind a bush and saw the Avox girl and another boy running away from guards, through the forest. The boy was killed and the girl got captured, she was lucky to be alive.

"If it is what you mean by that, I wouldn't care if I became and Avox. I wouldn't care if I had died. I should've kept you and that boy safe. But instead all I did was watch. It's all my fault," Alessia puts her hand on her head.
The Avox girl shakes her head.
"It doesn't matter what you imply, I know it was my fault," Alessia says.
The avox girl looks around her. She finds a napkin and a pen on the floor. She writes: "I forgive you.
She shows it to Alessia. Then she adds: "If that matters at all. They smile at eachother. Alessia laughs.
Alessia says, "Let's get this mess cleaned up."
With a smile, and a laugh, they begin to clean the room up.

That night Alessia was in the dressing room with Cinna for the interviews.
She stands in front of a body mirror, her eyes shut tightly. Cinna stands behind her.
Alessia asks, "Can I open my eyes yet?"
Cinna nods, "Yes, open them."
She opens her eyes to see herself in a stunning attire that makes her look like she's glowing as if she's a fire. Her dress represents fire itself. She gapes at the sight.
"Oh Cinna. Thank you," Alessia says facing Cinna.
Cinna gestures his hands in a circle, "Twirl for me."
She spins, stopping in front of the prep team to face them. The prep team glows with admiration and cheers. Cinna motions to the rest of the prep team for dismissal. They leave.
"So, all ready for the interview, then?" Cinna asks.
Alessia shakes her head, "I'm awful. Haymitch called me dead slug. No matter what we tried, I couldn't do it. I just can't be one of those people he wants me to
Cinna puts his hands on her shoulders, "Why don't you just be yourself?"
"Myself? That's no good either. Haymitch called me sullen and hostile. He dismissed me with a 'do whatever you want. I give up.'" Alessia sighs.
Cinna says, "Well, then, do whatever you want.
Just like he said. Plus, I don't find you the way he does. The prep team adores you as well. You've even won over the Gamemakers. As for the citizens of the Capitol, they just can't stop talking about you. No one can help but admire your spirit. Suppose that when you're answering the questions, imagine you're addressing your closest friend back home. Who's
your best friend?"
"Katniss. But it just makes no sense, Cinna. She wouldn't be asking. I would've already told her," Alessia responds.
Cinna thinks for a moment, "What about me? Could you think of me as a friend?"
"I think so, but-" Alessia says.
Cinna interrupts, "I'll be sitting on the main platform. You'll be able to look at me and answer the
questions as honestly as possible. Be completely
Alessia scrunches her eyebrows, "Even if what I think is completely horrible?"
Cinna smiles, "Especially if you think it's horrible. You'll at least try?"
Alessia nods. Peeta, Haymitch, and Portia enter the room.
"It's time, then. I think your turn is after District 11, which is almost finished," Cinna says.
Haymitch reminds them, "Remember, you and Peeta are still a happy pair. So act like it."
The buzzer from on stage goes off.
Cinna claps his hands, "And that's your cue. You have 3 minutes of question time, starting the second you walk on stage."
Cinna reaches for the door knob. Alessia stops him from opening it.
She says, "Cinna..."
He grabs her hand and says, "Remember, they already love you. Just be honest. Be yourself."
Alessia hesitantly nods. Cinna opens the door.

She takes one last reassuring glance from Cinna, and walks onstage.

Sorry that's a short chapter! Anyways hope you enjoyed, I'm writing more currently!❤️

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