Chapter 1

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The wind was blowing the leaves across the forest floor. The trees creaking as the wind pushed them against each other. Sticks were heard cracking against the ground and Alessia got her bow and arrow ready. There was a blur of something running across the woods, and she aimed the best she could but missed.
She heard slow clapping behind her, "I tried my best okay, you were probably the one that scared that deer off, I guess we won't be having dinner because of you." She said rolling her eyes as Gale walked up to her from hiding behind a tree.
"Look Ali, I'm sure Katniss already got some. It's getting late, we should probably go." He said looking up at the darkening sky.
Alessia sighed and agreed to go back, she carefully put her bow and arrow in a small dig up hole behind a tree that no one would be able to see. They walked back to the small village, Alessia looked at Gale and said, "You go back to your family, I'll find a place to stay tonight. Also, I need to trade in this rabbit I caught earlier today before it starts rotting." Gale wanted to argue and wanted to make her come with him but he nodded and left.
She wasn't worried on when her next meal would be or where she would stay, the only thing that worried her was for the reaping tomorrow. So much anxiety flowed through her as she couldn't stop thinking about it.
She walked into a large rusty metal building filled with people selling things, and shivering people trying to warm their hands up to a small fire that was built.
One older lady was selling hunting tools, Alessia walked up to her, "I'm so sorry but I have no money, could I trade this rabbit for something you have?" The lady looked at her and smiled, "Of course dear, please pick anything from my collection." Alessia thanked her and grabbed some tools that could help her survive. The lady stared at her with soft eyes, "Here is a small present for you, it's free. I wish the best for tomorrow, stay safe dear." Alessia smiled and was handed a small pin with a golden mockingjay on it. "Thank you, I hope you have a good night," Alessia thanked her and walked out of the building.

The next morning was here before anyone in the village knew it. Every person living in District 12 didn't want to wake up that morning, every person dreaded the reaping.
Alessia felt chills as she slowly opened her eyes from a not very restful sleep. She woke up next to a small dying fire pit in a homeless shelter area. With coal and dirt stuck on her face, she tried her best to wipe it off and headed to the Katniss' house.
She knocked on the rotting wood of the small cottage and waited for it to be opened. Eventually after a few moments the door was opened by Katniss' mother, she looked pale and sick but better than she did a few months ago. Katniss' father had died while mining a while back and it caused their mother to almost go crazy, she was still healing. Alessia had helped their family as much as she could while Katniss' mother was ill but she was now continuing to get better. "Hello Alessia... please come in." Mrs. Everdeen hesitated and slowly opened the door. It seemed like reaping day didn't only effect those who were eligible to be in the games.
"Katniss is upstairs, if your wondering. Please make yourself at home." Mrs. Everdeen smiled at her and went back to working in the kitchen. Alessia slowly walked up the creaking stairs of the small house and could hear singing.

A/N ~ this means someone is singing "hello".

"A bed of grass, a soft green pillow. Lay down your head and close your eyes. And when they open the sun will rise." Katniss noticed Alessia standing there watching and stopped.
"Wow, Katniss that was beautiful, you should really sing more often." Katniss smiled and quietly walked out the room with Alessia because they didn't want to wake sleeping Prim.
They walked back down the stairs and stood by the door. "Hey Ali, how are you? Where have you been?"
Katniss wondering while looking at Alessia's dirty face from sleeping outside the other night.
"Well I... I... was sleeping outside next to the trading center.." Alessia hesitated, she didn't want Katniss to get upset because they were almost like sisters.
"ALESSIA! I told you to stop sleeping outside! We can have you stay here! It's not healthy to be sleeping in that cold of night!" Katniss was slightly upset. "I knowwww, but I know your family has very little room here and I didn't want to bother you guys" Alessia looked down at her shoes.
"Ali, we will always make room here for you, even when it doesn't seem like it. We are like family. Next time you don't have somewhere to stay, always come here, okay?" Katniss said looking Alessia straight in the face.
"Okayyy" Alessia said slowly smiling. They went in for a big and long comforting hug that felt like ages.

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