Chapter 16

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Sheer terror in Cato's eyes, as if something were chasing him, something impossibly lethal. Alessia turns...

And there they are -- racing at top speed -- a pack of them; the wild dogs. "Muttations." Murderous and huge. Cato blows right by the two, unslowed by the Kevlar Body Armor he's wearing.

Alessia turns, runs for her life. Peeta too - hobbling. Both of them following Cato as he gets to the Cornucopia. The Cornucopia is brass, with a sheer face ten feet tall. There are seams on it to give Cato some purchase as he climbs.

Alessia follows at full speed, leaping up, grabbing a seam, climbing the wall - desperately. Adrenaline rockets through all three tributes.

She gets there... onto its flat surface - and she and Cato square off instantly - Cato drawing his sword, Alessia her bow.

But, incredibly, the lead muttation bounds that ten-foot high wall in a single bound, barrelling into Cato.

As they battle, Alessia turns - to see Peeta, hobbling her way. The pack gaining on him fast. Her eyes go wide. Peeta gets to the base of the Cornucopia, starts to climb. One of the mutts swipes at his legs with four-inch razor claws. Instant blood. Instant agony. Peeta howls.

Alessia fires an arrow right into the throat of the beast. It falls back, dead. She screams above the sounds of growls and commotion, "Climb, Peeta!"

He's trying. But the other muttations get to his heels, as Cato stabs the lead muttation. A death-blow. He shoves the muttation away. It lands at Alessia's feet. She recoils, instantly. She just saw something horrifying; this mutt has human eyes. Glimmer's eyes. She can barely even say, "Glimmer..."

Then she's shaken out of her daze - by a very flat voice, "What's it gonna be, Girl on fire?" Cato says.

She turns and gasps.

Cato has yanked Peeta to safety, sort of. He's got the guy in a vicious headlock, Peeta's legs hovering off the edge of the Cornucopia - with twenty howling mutta below.

They all have human eyes. Tribute eyes. Eary as hell.

Alessia draws her bow. Aims right at Cato's head. The noise from the mutts is very disorienting for her to try and focus, "Let go of him, Cato."

Muttations baying. Peeta turning blue... Alessia can't fire that arrow or he'll fall. Cato gives an eerie smile, "Somebody's gotta lose. You know that."

But just then, Peeta uses his fingers to make an X on the back of Cato's hand. Cato notices, but too late. The smile fades from his face just as Alessia takes dead aim, "You're right," she says and lets it fly - an arrow aimed right at Cato's hand. Bullseye. Cato cries out, reflexively releasing Peeta, who slams back against him. They might both go over.

8,000 people watching from District Twelve. No one breathing. Prim crying from the tension. Katniss holding her breath with beads of sweat dripping down her face as she watches her best friend. Mrs. Everdeen grabs Katniss' hand. Peeta's parents also are rigid.

In the Games Center, every eye in the Mission Control room, transfixed.

In the City Circle of the Capitol; traffic stands still. Pedestrians stop in the middle of an intersection, watching on a huge screen. Cinna among them.

At Haymitch's headquarters, he shuts his eyes tight, he just can't watch.

Back in the arena, Cato loses his footing on the slick surface. Alessia lunges forward, grabs Peeta - as Cato falls into the beasts.

Instant carnage - a human being, torn apart. Cato shrieks, Alessia watching in horror as the Mutts simply maul him. His eyes find Alessia - a desperate, dying request; "please."

Out of mercy, and sportsmanship, she draws back an arrow, and sends it right into his forehead. Death. A cannon blasts...

Safety. At last. The remaining Mutts try to scale the shear wall - but none of them can do it. Peeta and Alessia embrace... It's over. They've won.

In the Capitol, Citizens cheer. Cinna beams up at the screen.

In District Twelve, Katniss cries with joy as her mother gasps with relief. Peeta's parents too. But Prim can't quite celebrate yet, she senses that something is off...

In the Games Center, Seneca bears no expression at all. Just nods, coldly, "Have Claudius make the announcement." Betto nods feeling sick about it, "Yes sir..."

Resumed in the arena, The Mutts howl harmlessly beneath Alessia and Peeta. Alessia day dreams, "I want ice cream. Every day." Peeta tilts his head, "Huh?" She then goes on to explain, "In Victor's' Village. I want ice cream delivered to my house. Every day. Until Prim cannot eat it anymore."

Peeta laughs. They both do. He takes her hand. Then... an announcement from above, "Greetings to the final contestants of the 74th Hunger Games. The earlier revision has been revoked. Closer examination of the rule book has revealed that only one winner may be allowed. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor."

And that's it. End of announcement.

Alessia just stares. Peeta too. Neither can speak - all hope suddenly vacuumed out of their bodies. 

The Mockingjays are silent. No sound in the world except the howling Mutts below, which seems deadly again. Peeta's voice cracks, "If you think about it, it's not that surprising." Alessia nods, "No. I guess I always knew it somehow."

Peeta looks into her eyes, "Doesn't matter. I did what I came here to do." Alessia furrows her eyebrows, "What the hell does that mean?" Peeta shrugs, "I wanted to see you survive. Now you're going to." 

Alessia feels upset, "How ya figure?" Peeta gives a sad smile, "It's just math, Alessia." 

He stands, shakily, grabs his knife. In mild disbelief she draws her bow back.

...only to watch him toss his knife into the lake. Splash. Peeta looks back at the girl, "I told you I wouldn't let these Games change me. And they won't."

She's now standing, bow drawn, deeply ashamed. She lowers it. Peeta shakes his head, "No. Do it. I want you to." Alessia backs up, "I can't. I won't." 

Peeta points to the Mutts, "Do it - before Mutts get me. I don't wanna die like that." Alessia is at her breaking point, "Then you shoot me!"

Peeta responds, "Alessia, you know that's impossible. And they have to have a winner. So..."

That sparked something in her, an idea. But he goes on, "Do it. So I won't have to."

Alessia thinks, "...What if they don't?" Peeta confused asks, "Huh?"

Alessia sighs, "What if they don't have a winner? People would go crazy, wouldn't they? I don't wanna de, Peeta. But I know I can't kill you. Can you kill me?" He quickly answers with a "No." Alessia then says, "So...."

Peeta doesn't get it - until she unzips that pouch around her waist and extracts a couple of those berries. Nightlock. Oh.

Alessia continues, "They only hurt for a second. Then it'll be over. All of this..."

She drops a few into his palm, keeps a few for herself. She nods her head at him, "Trust me."

Mutual suicide, on live TV. But Peeta still hasn't agreed. Alessia says, "On the count of three?" He interrupts, "Hold them out. I want everyone to see."

Two hands, extended. The berries twinkle. Peeta then says, "Count of three."

He kisses her goodbye, gently. They stand back to back...

In the Games Center, Seneca blood now draining from his face. Betto gasping...

In District Twelve, the 8,000 viewers are completely stunned. Katniss, Prim, Mrs.Everdeen, Gale. Peeta's parents.

In the Capitol, Cinna and half the Capitol are breathless.

In Haymitch's Headquarters, Effie bursts in. Haymitch and Effie lock eyes with pure dread.

Back in the arena, the two tributes end their kiss. Alessia looks up..." 'Bye, Katniss. 'Bye, Gale and Prim." Peeta then looks up as well, "I'm not afraid. I love you, Alessia." Alessia closes her eyes, "Bye Peeta. One...Two...Three!"

They then shove the berries into their mouths...

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