Chapter 7

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Claudius calls for District 12. Alessia and Peeta's chariot starts moving.
Cinna gives them a thumbs up. Their chariot ride continues to move off into the street. It's loud, with blaring music- not to mention everyone's extreme cheering that'd be loud enough with just one of them. It's exravagant and very capitol-fashioned out
Alessia and Peeta remain holding hands. Alessia looks around nervously. She looks over at Peeta, noticing the fire. She then looks up at the big screen that has their faces on it. She would rather look good than nervous on that screen so she smiles and blows kisses out to the audience, waving, smiling, and totally selling it.
The audience is loving it. They cheer out her name, with a "Peeta" here and there. A red rose is thrown to her. She catches it, and blows another kiss in the general direction of where it came from. They've almost reached the end of the road.
Alessia giggles one last time, then remembers she's still holding hands with Peeta. She looks down at Peeta's hand and gets nervous. She suddenly
pulls her hand away but Peeta grabs it almost instantaneously.
"No, don't. Please. Don't let go of me. I might fall out of this thing," Peeta says looking over at her.
She nods, holding his hand yet again. Their chariot joins everyone else at the boarding dock yet again. The viewing has ended after what felt like hours.
Other tributes shoot dirty glances her way as they leave.
Portia (one of the stylists) hurries to the tributes as they get out of the chariot. She extinguished the flames with some kind of spray from a can. Then Cinna walks by and says, "Good job, you two. I'm sure you'll get many sponsors."
He pats Peeta and Alessia on the back and walks away, Portia then follows.
Alessia and Peeta didn't realize it but they were still holding hands.
"Um, Alessia... my hand is kinda... suffocating," Peeta looks down at their hands.
She quickly lets go, "Sorry."
Peeta smiles, "No, I thank you. I would've been shaken to death by my own nervousness without you here."
She blushes slightly at what he says and trys to hide it.
"It didn't show. I'm sure nobody noticed," she says quickly, hiding the fact that she blushed.
"I'm sure they didn't notice anything but you. You should wear flames more often. They suit you," he says looking her up and down.
Alessia raises her eyebrows and rolls her eyes. She then realizes what he's doing, he's just trying to get sponsors and gain attention. She looks
She then mutters to herself, "Oh two can play at this game."
She looks back at him and grins widely. She speaks in an overly grateful and sarcastic tone, "Oh it's nothing. Thank you sooooo much Peeta," she then kisses his cheek.
She should have known, he was only trying to flirt with her for the sake of the Capitol. She now knows to only focus on herself and win this damn game. She won't let Peeta distract her from this.

Hours later:
Alessia must have fallen asleep once they got back to the penthouse that District 12 stays in. She looks out her room window and sees it dark outside. How long did she sleep for?
She gets up and walks to the large dining room with a yawn.
"Oh good! We were just about to wake you. Time for dinner, dear," Effie says in her usual cheerful voice.
"Where the hell were you? I'm wasted as hell and I'm not even asleep!" Haymitch slurs his words.
He laughs and hiccups, and suddenly faints onto his food. Effie sighs.
"Never mind him, would you like to eat?" Effie looks over at Alessia.
Alessia points over to the food, "I'll take the roll."
She takes the roll and starts to eat it.
Effie has a confused look on her face, "That's all?"
Alessia looks up and says, "For now."
Effie pats on a chair beside her, "Come sit down."
Alessia sits at the table. She looks around for the other tribute, "Where's Peeta?"
"Oh, he's just nervous. He's sleeping. Tomorrow's training, you know. It's where you train to show the Gamemakers all you've got. It's the best way to get sponsors. Your score determines a big lot of your luck in these games." Effie explains.
Alessia says , "Sounds like a big deal."
Effie smiles, "Oh it is, trust me."
Alessia needs all the advice she can get so she asks, "How many sponsors do you think I'll get?"
Effie thinks, "Well, by my bet, a lot. Unfortunately, I'm not the one that deals your sponsor deals. Haymitch is the only one that can."
Alessia rolls her eyes, "Well, so much for sponsors."
Effie tries to make Alessia feel better, "Oh don't be like that. Haymitch isn't all that bad, really. He was just like you before he won the Hunger Games. But, don't worry, I'll hold him to gun point if I have to. I will make him seal every last deal."
Alessia smiles and continues to eat her roll.
Effie then gets very frustrated, "Where is my food? I ordered it two minutes ago!"
An Avox girl walks in with her head hanging down. She holds a plate of food.
Effie clasps her hands together, "Ah, there it is!"
The Avox girl hands Effie the food without making eye contact. Effie preps her food on the table.
Alessia stares at the food the girl handed Effie, "That looks delicious! What is it- Oh, I know you!" Alessia looks at the girl.
The Avox girl looks at Alessia in horror. She shakes her head, and scurries away. Alessia frowns. Effie stops eating and looks over at Alessia.
"Don't be ridiculous, Alessia. You knowing an Avox? The very thought of it," Effie shakes her head.
Alessia becomes confused, "What's an Avox?"
"Someone who commited a crime. They cut their tounges so they can't speak. She's probably a traitor of some sort. Not likely that you know her. And even if you did, it's forbidden to talk to them unless it's to give an order. Of course, you don't really know her," Effie explains.
Alessia hesitates, "Well... I guess not..."
Effie nods with a smile and continues eating.

After talking with Effie for a bit, Alessia goes back to her room to sleep. After all tomorrow is a big training day and she needs sleep.
She gets ready for bed and lays there for what feels like hours.
She stares at her ceiling and looks up.
"This is ridiculous," she sighs.
Someone then knocks on the door, she sits up.
"Come in!" She doesn't care who it is, as long as it's not a drunk Haymitch, she can't deal with him right now.
Peeta walks in. He smiles at her, "Hey Peeta," she says smiling back.
"Hey. Do you wanna join me on the roof?" He asks.
She nods, gets up, and follows him out the door.

They walk out onto the roof. "How'd you find this place?" Alessia asks, looking out towards the horizon line.
"Cinna showed me. It's pretty, right?" He asks.
"Yeah. The wind is a bit loud, though," she says with a smile.
Peeta then continues to talk, "So I asked Cinna why he showed me this. I was wondering if any tributes could escape or commit suicide or be smart enough to escape," he pauses.
"What did he say?" Alessia gets curious.
"You can't," He extends his arm to hang off the roof. There's an electrical zap and he jerks his hand back.
He then continues, "An electrical field."
Alessia gives an annoyed sigh, "Safe and sound."
"You know what? This is ridiculous. President Snow just doesn't get it at all. We're not just pawns for their silly televised fight to death." Peeta says also clearly annoyed.
Alessia looks at him, "I'm suprised anyone finds this
entertaining. You sound alot like my two friends back home."
Peeta responds, "Well then, your friends are smart. I
just wish I could think of a way to show the Capitol that we're not puppets. That they don't own me. That I'm more than just a piece of their game."
Alessia thinks for a moment then says, "Do you think their watching us now?"
Peeta sighs, "Maybe."
They both look around for what might be cameras, voice recorders, or any source of technology.
Alessia thinks to herself about how closer the day is coming, till her death. She was preparing herself. Preparing herself to fight the Capitol. To fight Snow till her death. Because that's what she did, she protects. Protects her friends and the people of her district.

Hope y'all liked it! Please add any suggestions you want me to add to the characters or storyline! ❤️

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