Chapter 5

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   Alessia is led to a small room, she thinks it looks more like a prison. She stops in the doorway and looks back at the guard who led her there. The guard pushes her in aggressively. She staggers in and sits on the small cot.
It looks more like a doctors office mixed with a prison. The two tributes definitely downgraded from the train to this. Alessia wasn't complaining though, as long as she had a roof over her head, she would be fine.
Two interesting looking people barged through the door with no knock. One guy and one girl. They both had very colorful hair and weirdly shaped eyebrows. They were wearing the most colorful outfits that Alessia has ever seen, it almost hurt to look because of how bright the clothing was.
The man walked over to Alessia and held her hand in  his palm and felt her face. Alessia had no idea what he was doing, she felt very uncomfortable. "Yes. This will do. This will do very well. I have a feeling your stylist will love you." He said looking her up and down.
He then goes over and whispers in the girl's ear and leaves the room.
She then introduces herself, "I am Venia, I am an assistant groomer and assistant stylist." Alessia slightly smiles and sits awkwardly on the cot. Venia then tells her straight up, "take off your clothes and put this on, please. I will be back soon."
Alessia waits till Venia closes the door behind her and can no longer hear the assistant's footsteps.
She then changes quickly into underwear, a bra, and a tank top that Venia gave her. She wonders how they knew her clothing and underwear size, it's almost like they knew she was coming months in advance.

A moment later Alessia is laying down as Venia waxes her legs.
"One, Two, Three," Venia says as she gets ready to pull one of the wax strips.
She then rips the waxing strip from Alessia's leg as Alessia grunts in pain.
Alessia has never been through such type of treatment and she never wants to do it again.
Venia looks over at Alessia's pained expression, "sorry! Your just so hairy."
Alessia rolls her eyes at the statement.
Venia then gets ready to pull another strip, "Good news, though. This is the last one. Ready?"
Alessia hesitantly nods, bracing herself. Venia puts the wax on her leg one last time. "One, two, three," Venia says as she pulls off the very last strip.
Alessia grunts as Venia pulls it off. Venia then goes over to her table to prep more things. Two more Capitol people enter. Flavius the boy who was there earlier and Octavia a girl.
Flavius looks at the poor Alessia, "You're doing very good. If there's one thing we hate, it's whiners. Octavia, grease her down."
Octavia take a liquidy lotion and rubs it onto Alessia. She scrunches her face in pain, then relaxes. Venia
turns to them with three tweezers in hand and gives one to each of them.
Venia commands them, "if there are any stay hairs, pluck them."
They examine Alessia together and pluck a few stray hairs.
Flavius then backs away to examine Alessia fully, "Perfect! Oh my, what a piece of art!"
Octavia then puts her hands up to her face and says "Awe, what a doll." She scrunches her face as if she is talking to a baby.
Alessia forces a smile awkwardly and says, "Erm... thanks."
"I guess this is goodbye for now, Alessia. We'll call Cinna for you. He's our lead prepper and designer." Venia explains.
Octavia hands Alessia a colorful silk robe. The three assistants walk Alessia to Cinna's office and she stands there patiently waiting. As she waits, she thinks that Cinna will probably be like the rest of them; weird looking, rude, and spoiled. But then she gets interrupted from her thoughts as Flavius peeks his head out of Cinna's office door a few moments later, "He's ready to see you."
The trio leave the office in sync and wish Alessia luck as she slowly enters the office.
She closes the door softly behind her and turns to see Cinna standing with a warm smile.
Alessia examines him, he looks like a young man from the far side of the capitol. He wears "normal" clothing- a black shirt, black pants. The only "capitol" trace of him is the light metallic gold
eyeliner and the slight accent.
"Hello Alessia. I'm your stylist, Cinna. Is everything alright?" He looks at her as she makes a confused face.
"Well, yeah, but you look so-" she starts to say.
"Different? Yeah, I get that alot. That's why I'm a designer. I know all the styles and how to work with them. Plus, I don't see what's so great about capitol fashion. It's a little... what's the word?..." he explains.
Alessia finishes his sentence for him, "overdone?"
"Oh yes! Overdone. Can you take off that robe for me?" He asks.
"Oh. Yeah, sure." She felt uncomfortable before but now she knows he is a stylist and it's his job so she willingly takes the robe off as he commanded.
She takes off the robe and Cinna takes it from her hands and sets it aside. He circles her, examining the work that the prep team had done on her nearly-naked body.
"Who did your hair?" He asks looking at the half messy and neat hair style from the reaping day.
"One of my dead friends... well she's more like a mother to me." She responds.
Cinna takes a closer look at the braid and wavy hair, touching it here and there.
It looks something like this btw but a little nicer looking and maybe bigger braids (also you can imagine it differently, this is just what I kinda imagine)

A/N:It looks something like this btw but a little nicer looking and maybe bigger braids (also you can imagine it differently, this is just what I kinda imagine)

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He then looks up at the girl. "It's beautiful. Very unique, really. It shows that your strong and independent looking. And a nearly perfect balance with your profile. She has very clever fingers."
He continues circling her to examine.
"Um... Thank you. You're new, aren't you? I don't think I've seen you before." Alessia says.
Cinna looks up, "Yes, this is my first year in the Games."
Alessia asks, "So you were assigned district 12?"
He stops in front of her and hands her back the silky robe.
"No, I asked for District 12. Why don't you put on your robe and we'll have a chat." He says as he starts walking out of the room.
Alessia puts the robe back on and follows him into another room.
The room is simple and to the point. It is small and encases a dining room table with a huge red button on the bottom corner and a few chairs surrounding the table. Cinna pulls a chair out for Alessia to sit on. She takes a seat and Cinna takes his across from her side of the table. He presses a button. A loud buzzer sound escapes from somewhere and a ton of people burst in and set up the food, putting a plate of food in front of both people and utensils, then rush out in a extremely small amount of time.
Cinna acts as if nothing happened and begins to eat. Alessia hesitantly begins to eat. Cinna then stops eating and stares at the girl. Alessia looks up to see Cinna staring at her.
"How despicable we must seem to you," Cinna cringes at himself and thinks of all the greedy Capitol people.
He then takes another small bite of food and continues, "So, Alessia, about your costume for the opening ceremonies. My partner Portia, is the stylist for your fellow tribute, Peeta." Alessia's eyes brighten as she hears the mention of Peeta's name. Cinna continues, "Our current thought is to dress you in complementary costumes. As you may know, it's customary to reflect the flavor of the district you come from."
"So I'll be in a coal miner outfit?" Alessia says while raising her eyebrows, she couldn't imagine wearing that in front of millions of people.
"Not exactly. You see, Portia and I think that coal miner thing is very over done. No one will remember you in that. And we both see it as our job to take the District Twelve Tributes unforgettable. So rather than focus on the coal mining itself, we're going to focus on the coal. And what do you do with coal?
We burn it. You're not afraid of fire, are you, Alessia?" Cinna asks.

Alessia responds with a no, and gets curious to see what the costume will be. Cinna mentioned he would not tell her until the day of the opening ceremony. She got very curious.

YAYA! That's the end of that chapter. I'm so sorry this is very slow, I'm working on building it up. ALSO IM SORRY for not adding many parts with Peeta in it, but I'm also working on that. Hope y'all enjoyed!

❤️PLEASE suggest anything you'd want me to change or add to this story, I love the feedback. Thanks!❤️

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