Chapter 8

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The next morning Alessia, Haymitch, and Peeta all ride in the elevator, waiting for their floor.
Haymitch is finally 'almost' sober for once and says, "Today, we'll negotiate what we need to keep clear. After, I'll send you to train with the other tributes."
The elevator opens and they step into a room with a banner that reads: District 12.
Haymitch continues, "And otherwise, I'll be coaching you both separately."
Alessia becomes confused, "What? Why?"
Haymitch looks over at her with slight attitude, "Say you had a secret skill that you'd like to keep secret."
Peeta says, "But I have no secret skill. Plus I already know Alessia's. I've eaten enough traded rabbit and squirrels, right?"
Alessia looks over at him and gives him a slight smile, "You can coach us together."
Haymitch decides to compromise, "Alright. So give me an idea on what you can do."
"I can't do anything special unless you count baking bread," Peeta frowns.
"Sorry I don't. Alessia. I already know your handy with a knife," Haymitch looks over at her.
"Not really. But I can hunt. With a bow and arrow," she responds.
Haymitch questions her, "And your good?"
Peeta decides to respond to her question for her, "She's excellent. My father buys her squirrels all the time. She always hits them in the exact same spot: the eye. It's the same with the rabbits she sells the butcher. She can even bring down a deer. Easy."
Alessia whispers, "What are you doing?"
Peeta whispers back, "What are you doing? If he's going to help you, he has to know what you're capable of. Don't underrate yourself."
Alessia continues to whisper back, "Well, what about you? I've seen you in the market. You can lift flour
bags three times your weight. Tell him that. That's not nothing."
Peeta shakes his head and whispers, "Yes, because there will be flour for me to chuck at people in the arena."
Alessia then looks over at Haymitch and no longer whispers, "He can wrestle. He came in second last year in our school competition. His brother took first
Peeta sighs, "What use is that? How many times
have you seen someone wrestle
someone to death?"
Alessia quickly responds to get her point across, "There's always hand-to-hand combat. All you need is to come up with a knife, and you'll at least stand a
chance. If I get jumped, I'm dead!"
The two of them start to almost yell over who is stronger, Peeta scoffs, "But you won't! You'll be living up in some tree eating raw squirrels and picking off people with arrows. You know what my mother said to me? She says maybe District Twelve will finally have a winner. Then I realized, she didn't mean me. She meant you!"
Katniss shakes her head, "She meant you."
"She said 'She's a survivor, that one.' She is. She." Peeta is now almost yelling.
"But only because someone helped me..." Alessia really didn't want people to overestimate her.
"They'll be tripping over each other to sponsor you," Peeta looks at Alessia with a sorrowful look.
Alessia scoffs, "No more than you."
Peeta then says, "She has no idea of the effect she can have."
Haymitch gives a small laugh, "Well, well, well.
Alessia, there's guarantee there'll be bows and
arrows in the arena, but during your private session with the Gamemakers, show them what you can do. Until then, steer clear of archery. Are you any good at trapping?"
Alessia looks at Haymitch, "I know a few basic snares."
Haymitch looks over at Peeta, "That may be significant in the terms of food. And, Peeta, she's right. Never underestimate strength in the arena. Very often, physical strength tilts the advantage to a player. In the main room of the training center, they will have weights, but don't reveal how much
you can lift in front of the tributes. The plan's the same for the both of you. You go to group training. Spend time learning something you don't know. Swing a mace. Throw a spear. Tie a decent knot. Save showing off for the private session with the
Gamemakers. Are we clear?"
Alessia and Peeta nod.
"One last thing. You are to be at each other's sides at all time," Haymitch says.
Alessia and Peeta both feel irritated, they seem to not want to be near each other at this moment. They both blurt out, "But I don't-"
Haymitch interrupted, "It is not open for discussion! You promised you would do whatever said. You two are to stay at each
other's side and remain amiable to each other. Now get out and get to training. It's the thirteenth
level. It's the one above us. You're already late, so you'd better get going."
He waits for them to leave but they just stand there, "What are you waiting for? Go!"
The two tributes walk into the elevator. Haymitch stays behind in the room.
"Idiots," Haymitch mutters to himself.

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