Chapter 10

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The moment she walks on, there's an eruption of cheers from the audience. Caesar, the interviewer, stands onstage, waiting for her. In front of the stage is an appropriate amount of audience. Alessia stares out at the audience, scanning them.
Caesar claps his hands, "Ah, there she is. Everyone, please welcome Alessia Farehert of district 12 one more time!"
There are cheers from the audience. She goes to the center stage beside Caesar. He outstretches his hand and she shakes it. They go back to the interview chairs.
Caesar already starts asking the questions, "So, Alessia, it's nice to finally meet you. The capitol must be quite a change from district twelve. What has impressed you the most since you came here?"
She thinks and says truthfully, "The lamb stew."
The audience laughs.
Caesar smiles, "The one with the dried plums? Oh, I
eat it by the bucketful. It doesn't show, does it?"
Shouts of reassurance come from the audience.
He smiles, acting all flattered, and continues, "Now, when you came out in the opening ceremonies,
my heart actually stopped. What did you think of that costume?"
Alessia answers, "You mean after I got over the
initial fear of being burned alive?"
There's laughter from the audience and Caesar
Caesar still laughs but says, "Yes."
"I thought Cinna was brilliant. I couldn't believe I was wearing it. I can't believe I'm wearing this
one either. I mean, look at it!" Alessia says, she looks for Cinna in the audience and smiles at him.
Caesar asks her to spin and she does. She twirls as the edge of the dress spreads out and an illusion of sparks and fire are on the dress.
The audience and Caesar stare in amazement.
Caesar gasps, "Well, look at that. That is stunning."
Loud cheers are heard from the audience. The clapping starts to fade out as Caesar starts talking, "So, about that training score. E-lev-en. Give us a hint about what happened in there."
Alessia thinks, "Um... all I can say is, I think I was the first."
Caesar sighs, "Oh, come on. You're killing us here. Details, details!"
Alessia turns to the audience, "I'm not supposed to say anything, right?"
A gamemaker from the audience replies with a shout, "She's not!"
Alessia shrugs, "And that's that. My lips are sealed."
Caesar clears his throat, "Let's go back then, to the moment your dear friend's name was called at the reaping and you volunteered. Her sister was going to volunteer but you did instead. Can you tell us about them?"
Alessia says, "Her name is Prim, and she's only 12. Her older sister Katniss is my best friend and I've stayed with them ever since my parents passed... I love them more than anything."
Caesar nods, "What did they say after the reaping?"
Alessia hints a small smile, "They asked me to try really hard to win."
Caesar leans in, "And what did you say?"
Alessia says, "I swore I would."
Caesar nods, "I'm sorry."
The buzzer than goes off. Disappointment calls from crowd.
Caesar laughs at all the groans from the crowd, "And we're out of time. Best of luck to you, Alessia Farehert. Now if you'd stand by that corner of the stage while your fellow district tribute gets his interview done, that'd be lovely."
There are now cheers from the audience. Alessia follows the instructions. Peeta walks on stage and Caesar greets him with a handshake. The audience continues to cheer.
Caesar takes his seat, "It's nice to see you, Peeta.
You seem like a fine young gentleman. What's your hometown like?"
Peeta takes a seat, "I work in my family bakery. I'm
obviously from district twelve. There's nothing much except for that."
Caesar sighs, "Oh, come on. There must be a girl back home. Right?"
Cheers from the audience can be heard. Peeta shakes his head hesitantly.
"You've got to be kidding," Caesar says.
Peeta hesitates, "Well, there is one girl. I've had a crush on her ever since I can remember. I'm pretty sure she didn't know I existed until the reaping."
The audience "awes" and gives sympathy.
"Does she have a fellow?" Caesar asks.
Peeta sighs, "I don't know, but a lot of boys like her."
Caesar says, "Here's what you do. You win, you go home. She can't turn you down then, eh?"
Peeta sighs, "I don't think that's gonna work. Winning won't help in my case."
Caesar scrunches his eyebrows, "Why not?"
Peeta hesitates again, "Because... she came here with me."
Awkward silence fills the room.
Caesar frowns, "Oh, that's a big piece of bad news."
Peeta agrees, "It is not good."
Caesar shakes his head, "I don't think any of us can blame you. It'd be hard not to fall for that young lady. She didn't know?"
Peeta sighs, "Not until now."
Caesar claps his hands, "Wouldn't you love to pull her back up here and ask for a response?"
Shouts of agreement come from the audience.
Caesar shakes his head, "Sadly, rules are rules,
and Alessia time has been spent. Well, best of luck to you, Peeta Mellark. I think I speak for all of
Panem when I say our hearts go with yours."
Deafening roars and cheers of comfort are heard from the audience.

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