chapter 3

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It's now lunch and I walk over to Charlie and isaac with tao.

"I bought elles apple juice again" tao says when sitting down.

"Didn't you buy one yesterday" isaac asks

"Ugh yes" he replies

I laugh and look out onto the field and I see nick with his friend sitting down but about to stand up like he's leaving them.

"Hey now there's your chance. Go talk to him" tao nudges me

I roll my eyes at tao and look at Charlie with pleading eyes to help me. He laughs and shakes his head. I roll my eyes for a second time in the last couple of minutes. Just then tao pushes me off the bench so I fall on the floor.

"You're so evil Tao Xu"

He laughs and then stops

"Your future husbands jogging over at twelve o'clock" Charlie says

I turn around and see nick jogging over to us. I smile at him when he comes over.

"Hey are you okay" he asks me while holding put his hand for me

I nod and take his hand to help me up.

"Thanks. Anywho guys this is nick. Nick you already know who charlie is but this is tao and isaac" I explain

They all say hello to each other and I smile at everyone

"Hey is it alright if I talk to you alone" nick asks

I nod my head and follow him

"So I was wondering if you wanted to watch me at rugby practice later- I mean not just me but everyone who's in the team" he asks

"Of course I will. I've got nothing else to do"

He nods his head smiling

"Okay. Alright. Come with me I want to show you something"

He takes my hand and leads me inside the school building up to the second floor. We enter a room that seem completely different to a normal classroom.

"What's this" I ask

"It a room I come to, to just get away from people and life and I want to share it with someone but it can't just be any someone. It has to be someone I can trust and feel as if we are going to get along very well" he explains

I nod my head in understanding

"So you're sharing it with me" I question

"I mean yeah if you want"

I smile and nod. We sit down on the beanbags that are in the room and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Let's get to know each other" I say randomly

"Okay. Do you have any siblings" he replies

"Yeah one sister and one brother but they both live with my dad. I get to see them maybe like once a fortnight what about you"

"Yeah he's older than me and his name's david"

"My turn any pets"

"Yeah I have a dog named Nellie and shes my life you"

"Wait have you got any pictures and no my mom doesn't like animals"

"Of course I have photos here"

He shows me multiple pictures of Nellie which are sooooo cute

"Are you doing anything saturday" he asks me


"Okay. Why don't you come round to mine and meet nellie" he says



I nod eagerly and he laughs at me. The bell goes and we get up.

"Time for lessons again" he starts

"Yay so fun" I sarcastically say

We walk towards the door and once we exit I wait for him when he closes the door. Once he's done he stands facing me. I decide to hug him and then he hugs me back.

"I'll take you home later just wait for me at the gate okay" he says letting go of me

"Okay" I smile and we both go our separate ways

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