chapter 12

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I wake up and check the time. Which it says 8:30am. I jump up out of bed and start getting dresses like a maniac as school starts at 8:45am. I message nick

Hey nick sorry I wasn't there this morning. I kind slept in a bit to much so I'll be in school in a bit

Oh okay good. I thought you left me to go to school. I did try and look for you but I couldn't find you.

Byes see ya in a bit ❤

Nicks pov

I look at her message and smile


I put my phone away before anyone sees as I'm in form.

"Where's y/n" mr lange asks

"Oh her bus is running a bit late. She said she'd be in, in a bit"

"Ah okay"

After 10 minutes y/n comes in.

"Sorry I'm late my bus broke down so the next bus didn't come for another 10-15 minutes something like that"

He nods and she comes to sit next to me

"Hi how are you" I ask

"Tired but i'll be fine" she smiles

"Right everyone starting from tomorrow, for the rest of the week you'll be registered in your groups instead of form just like yesterday afternoon. So don't come here after lunch. Everyone pack your things away if you're leaving." Mr Lange explains

After a while everyone's left abd others have come in.

Y/n's pov

"Rright guys I have got the sheets back to say what you've all got. So the same as yesterday come up at different times. After you find out what you're doing all the groups have different time slots to go practice. We have the time slot of 10-11.20 which will lead us to break"

He sits down and everyone looks at me again. I roll my eyes and as I'm standing g up nick pulls me back down and he stands up. I look confusedly up at him and he smiles at me.

"Okay like yesterday and what y/n did we'll do it like that so first table go up and seco d table when everyone's sat down you go and then it will be this table then fourth then fifth then sixth" nick says

Everyone says okay or nods and the first table go. Nick sits back down and I smile at him

"Thanks" I say

"No problem" he replies

I take his hand which is under the table and start to mess with it and he smiles at me.

After a while it's our time to go up. We go up and I look at the talent show and list and see I'm on it. I smile and see Charlie's got it as well. After 2-3 minutes we go sit back down and the next table goes up.

"So what did you all get" I ask

"I got the reading competition" isaac says while reading and I laugh.

Nick Nelson x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now