chapter 13

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A couple days later it's Friday and I'm getting ready for the talent show in the music room. Yesterday was the art competition, the reading competition, the writing competition and the debating competition. Today is the talent show and the rugby match. We won the reading and the art competition and cane second in the writing competition so we are in the lead.

I carry on practicing je te laisserai des mots and once I finish i hear the door open so I turn around and see nick.

"Hey nick" I smile

"Hey. Are you ready" he says as he sits on a table.

I nod and go over to him. Sitting right next to him

"I guess I should be are you ready" I ask

"I know I am but I'm not sure on the rest cause they haven't actually played rugby as much as me so they haven't had the same experiences as me but during practices they've been doing a lot better then when we started" he explains and I nod

"Where do you think we'll place with you sing that" i question

"Maybe like 3rd or 4th but that doesn't matter because it's about the taking part that counts" he says and nudges me

I scrunch up my face and look at him

"That sounds so cringy and cliche" I laugh

He laughs and i lean my head on his shoulder

"Thanks for being my best friend" I smile

"You're making it sound like your leaving" he chuckles

"Well I'm not so you're stuck with me a bit longer"

He leans his head on top of mine and sighs

"This is nice" I start

"Yeah. No one's around and being here with you is amazing" he answers

I lift my head and look at him

"Come on it's nearly time for the talent show and then your rugby match."

We get up and go to the hall.

"Okay everyone who is in the talent show go backstage and get ready to go onstage. In the back it says who's going when so get ready for when you go on" a teacher says

"You go get ready and I'll sit down. You'll do amazing." Nick hugs me

I go to the back and get ready. I go over and see who I'm after. I find out I'm the 6th person and I'm going before Charlie. I look around and look for Charlie. After i spot him I run over to him.

"Hey charles" I say and hug him

"Hey. I'm so nervous" he replies

"You'll do amazing"

"You'll do brilliant when you get on stage. I know it. After I first heard you son the son I knew it suited your voice even though you're not french" Charlie states

"Awww thanks charl"

After a couple minutes it starts. The nerves are getting to me and I start to hyperventilate. Charlie comes over to me.

"Y/n breathe. You're going to be fine. Let me go get nick. You'll be fine" He says and he shouts for someone to get nick

After three minutes nick runs over to me.

"Breathe. How many fingers am I holding up"


"Good. Now what three things can you see"

Nick Nelson x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now