chapter 4

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I go sit on the field waiting for the rugby team to come out for practice. I see them all running over to where they normally play and then I see nick and Charlie coming over to me.

"Hey" nick starts

"Hey" I reply

"Thanks for coming just know we're going to play a few games and then we can leave"

I smile and nod. Nick runs over to the group of boys.

"Soooo hows it going between you and nick" Charlie asks

"I think I might be getting a teeny weeny crush on him but it's all good it can stay down at the bottom of my heart until it explodes infront of him and them i'll get all embarrassed and move to... oh I don't know... Australia but hey it's all good right now. Anyway shouldn't you be playing" I express

"No I'm just the reserve so if a player isn't here or something I'm playing in their spot."

"Do you even remember the rules of rugby"

"Uh no but I do know you have to get the ball down their" he points to the posts

"Well done on knowing someone Charles"

"Thank you thank you" he says while bowing and I laugh.

I look back at the players and see nick running with the ball

"GO ON NICK" I shout cheering him on

Charlie's starts to join in. So there we are cheering on whoevers on nicks team.

A while later the matches have finished and Charlie got to play in the last one. Nick comes over to me with the biggest smile.

"Thanks for the support" he says

I smile

"No problem. It was either support you or just bail on you and go with Charlie to go somewhere random in the school until it's the end of the sports thing"

"Sports thing? Is that what you call rugby" he says sarcastically hurt

I laugh and hit his arm.

"I forgot what it was called don't blame me"

He laughs at me and picks me up bridal style

"Ewwww put me down you're all sweaty and gross. Where's isaac when you need him"

"Why would you need isaac" he asks

"Because he would help me try to get safely back on to the floor" I reply

He laughs.

"Alright I'll put you down but you have to do one thing"

"What's that one thing" I question

"Wait for me" he answers

"I already said I was but sure"

He puts me down and gives me my bag. He walks to the changing room while I walk to the gate. I'm waiting at the gate for nick when I see him come out with his friends

"Hey y/n" he says

"Hi" I reply

"Oh my god nick is that your new girlfriend. EVERYONE NICK HAS A NEW GIRL-" Harry starts but nick quickly puts his hand over his mouth

"Shut up harry" nick says

His group of friend laugh and they go the opposite way

"I'm sorry about that that was way out of order to say" he apologies

"It's fine nick. It should be you who's feeling more embarrassed he actually said your name not mine" I answer

We start walking to the bus stop.

"I really want to ask a question but I don't know if it will offend you or something" He randomly says

"Ask ahead" I reply

"Why did you move to truham" he asks

"Right. I didn't really get along with any of the girls in higgs and at the end of the year I asked if I could move to truham and they pulled a few strings to get me here but then I couldn't move until after Christmas and the new year so I stayed there and yeah" I explain

"How didn't you get along with anybody"

"Cause I wanted to keep to my own and get my head down qnd set on work. That's what my mom told me to do"

"Alright thats okay. But you need to live a little because before you know it there won't be any time left " he asks

"Yeah that's a good way of thinking. That's why I wanted to move just so i could make friends qnd be in a different environment" I answer

The bus comes and we get on. We talk about anything random and find out a lot about each other. It's now our time to get off the bus.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow" he says


He looks like he's contemplating something and then he hugs me. I smile and hug him back.

"See ya" he says

"Bye" I say

And we walk through our front doors.

Nick Nelson x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now