chapter 6

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Three hours later its break. I walk out of my lesson and see nick leaning on the wall looking at his phone. I walk over to him.

"Whatcha doing" I ask

"Oh nothing"

I again steal his phone

"Heyyyy give it back" he whines

I turn around so I'm not facing him and go onto his Instagram. I search up my profile and follow it for him. I take out my phone and follow him back.

"Now you can message me whenever you want" I state and smile

I hand him back his phone and he smiles

"Thanks" he answers

Charlie, tao and isaac all come out and we walk to our bench

"Oh I forgot i need to sort something out with a teacher I'll be back" I say

"I'll come" nick suggests

I nod an okay and we both start to walk to the English block. I knock on my teachers door and she allows me and nick in.

"Hey miss yesterday we did that test and on the front it says I didn't get full marks but then I added up the scores for each question and I did why's that" I ask

"Im not to sure you were supposed to get full marks maybe I was marking two at the same time but yeah you were supposed to get full marks. Sorry about that" she states

I smile

"No problem"

"Nick is there anything I can do for you" she asks nick

"Was there any homework set for us this week" he asks

"No all I want from year 11 right now is you doing revision for your gcses with all the revision I've gave you to do"

He nods his head and says thanks. We leave and go back to the table

"We're back" I smile

I sit down and nick sits next to me

"Right guys it's time to start thinking of what lifes got planned for us in the future" isaac says

I raise my brows and look at everyone else. Nick looks confused and so do Charlie and tao

"I'm kidding guys we can't do that until we leave school oh and nick you can wait for us and we will all think together"

I start to laugh and so does everyone. The bell goes telling us it time to go.

"I won't be at lunch I have to leave early for an appointment" I say

"You're forcing me to stay here by myself" nick says and I chuckle

"I am nick. Yes. I. Am" I reply

And we walk to our lessons

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