chapter 23

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I wake up and get changed. I give the dogs some food and make myself some breakfast. I put my shoes on and get Nellie's lead. I put it on her and debate if I take the puppy. I decide not to and ask my mom to look after him. She says yes and now I'm waiting at the park.

I see someone walking towards us and I know it's y/n. She comes over and nellie goes up to her. We sit on the bench and nellie sits imbetween us lying her head on y/n's lap.

"Okay. So about imogen. She said she knows I like you but she doesn't know we're together and that it's fine and she doesn't mind us being friends because she wants to get to know you and be friends with you. You should've listened to it. She was better at putting it at words than I am right now" I explain

I see y/n smile slightly

"Thanks. For everything. Thank you for sorting it out and actually doing it because there were some people in my past who didn't always make time for me and our problems" she states

I look at her and furrow my brows in confusion and she looks at me

"It's a whole other story" she says and i nod

"I've got something for you back at mine and I would really love for you to come and see" I smile

"Okay'she says and nods

"Do you want to walk nellie" I ask

She nods her head eagerly and takes the lead off me. We stand up and I take her hand and we walk to mine. When we get there we go inside and I take off my shoes. My mom messaged me and said she had to go to work early so she left the pup up in my room. We go to my room and I stand in front of the door.

"Right before we go in I want you to close your eyes" I say

She closes her eyes and I open the door. I see him I the play pen and I smile. I take y/n's hand and guide her over to the puppy. I pick the puppy up.

"Right hold both your hands out flat palms facing the ceiling and together so your arms are touching."

"I'm scared now" she says and I chuckle

"Don't be" I reply

She puts both her hands out and I gently place the sleeping puppy into her hands/arms.

"And open" I say

She opens her eyes immediately and has an adorable look on my face. She brings him up to her so he's safe from falling.

"Is this your puppy" she asks

"No it's yours"

"Ours" she comments and I smile

"I know you're not allowed animals so he can stay here" I say

"What's his name. I'm assuming it's a he because you said he"

"You can choose. The woman said he didn't have one"

"Well its out of Henry and Oliver so choose one" she says

"I do like henry"

"Well then from this day onwards this puppy shall be called henry" she declares and I laugh.

She sits down on my bed snuggling up to as we know now Henry. I sit next to her and she leans her head in my shoulder.

"Thank you" she says

"No problem" I smile

We watch TV in my room for a little bit before she has to go.

"I'll call or message or later. Whatever I can be bothered to do" she says

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