chapter 20

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I see nicks mom standing there.

"Hi do you need nick"

"No it's fine. Can you just tell him I'm going away for the weekend with my friends"

"Yeah of course"

She hugs me and leaves going in her car. I go inside and sit back down.

"Who was that" nick asks

"It was your mom she said she wanted me to tell you that she's going away for the weekend with her friends"

"Oh yeah I already knew that" he says

I nod my head and snuggle into his side. He laughs and wraps his arms around me.

"I feel so lonely" Charlie says looking at us

"Oh shush" I say and hide my head into nicks chest

I hear Charlie and nick laugh and I look back at Charlie. Just then there's a knock at the door. I look sadly at nick and he kisses my head. I smile and go to the door and open it.

"Hey guys" I smile

"Hey" Everyone replies

"Come in" i say

They all come in and go into the living room. I sit on the floor infront of where Charlie's sitting. I look over at nick and slightly smile.

"Okay guys what should we do" I ask

"Let's go bowling and then the arcade" tao says

"Yeah" everyone replies

I laugh.

"Okay let's gooooo" I say

We get ready to go and leave. We walk to the bus stop a when the bus comes we get on. After a while we get to the bowling alley and start playing.

"Who thinks who is going to win" darcy asks

"Either y/n or nick" people say

We all laugh and carry on playing. After a while the game finishes and nick ends up winning. I walk up to him and smile.

"Hey I thought I was gonna win you cheated" I say smiling

"How did I cheat then" He asks chuckling

" do have strong rugby arms so there that how you cheated" I answer

"Now that hurts my feelings" he says being fake offended

I shake my head chuckling. He wraps his arm around my head on my shoulder so like a side hug and we walk to the group.

"Okay should we meet back up in an hour and then we can go get food" I ask

"Yeah" everyone replies

We all split up and go play different arcade games. I go with nick and we go to the claw machines.

"Right. I'm gonna win you one of these" he says determined

"Okay I'll be back I'm going to get another drink do you want anything" I ask

"Yeah I'll have another drink but here I'm paying" he says

"Nope" I say running away

He runs after me and I start laughing. He grabs me and pulls me into his embrace. We're both laughing and he steals my money and gives me his.

"Now go" he says and kisses my cheek.

He walks back to the claw machines and I walk to go get slushies. I walk back to nick and give him the change and his drink. He thanks me and gives me back my money. After a while he wins and then leans himself on the machine

"It's so cute" I say cuddling the Teddy bear

"What's its name going to be" he asks

"Mr snuffles" I answer

"Cute" he replies

I lean my head on his shoulder snuggling to mr snuffles. Nick wraps his arm around me and leans his head on my head. After we play different games and talk about random things we find out it's been an hour so we go meet everyone.

"Hey guys" I say

"Ooo did you win" Charlie asks already knowing nick won it

"Yeah. In the claw machine" I reply

"Right where should we go for lunch" elle asks

"Let's go to the café" tars says

We all agree and we go to this cute little café there. We sit down and order our food. I'm sitting next to nick and isaac and Charlie's opposite us next to tao and then Tara's next to issac and Elle and darcy are sitting opposite them. I look at the book isaac is reading and see that he's reading pride and prejudice. I smile and carry on talking with the others. After a while we go back to my house. We play a lot of board games and make up dances and sing karaoke. We have dinner then watch multiple films. I start to yawn and I lean my head on nicks shoulder. I close my eyes and drift off into a deep sleep. I slightly wake up when I feel someone pick my up.

"We're all going to bed now do you want me to sleep with you or someone else" nick whispers

"You" I whisper tiredly and snuggle myself back into nick.

I feel him smile and lay me down on my bed. The light turns off and everyone gets into their beds. I feel nick lie down next to me and wrap his arms around me. I smile and leans in to him. In that moment we all fall fast asleep.

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