chapter 15

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I walk out if the hotel mansion thing and see my mom waiting in the car. I go over and sadly smile

"Hey are you okay" she asks

"Mhm" I reply and lean my head on the window

"You can talk to me about anything"

"Thanks mom"

I hug her and she hugs me. We let go and she drives home. I go upstairs and go to bed.

I wake up and hear that it's raining. I sigh and put the pillow over my head thinking about what happened yesterday. I lazily get out of bed and pit a jumper over my night clothes and go downstairs 

"Morning mom" I smile

"Morning. How are you feeling" she asks

"A bit better than yesterday"


I eat breakfast and then go brush my teeth. I go back downstairs and sit down when I hear the door knock.

"I'll get it"


I go open the door and see a soaking wet Nick Nelson. I pull him in and shut the door.

"Did you not check the weather before going out" I laugh

"I guess I didn't" he says and I chuckle

"Oh hey nick how are you?" My mom asks

"A bit wet but I'm okay" he smiles

"Oh y/n please get changed out of your night clothes" my mom smirks before she turns and walks away

I like at nick slightly embarrassed.

"Let's go to my room" I say

We go upstairs and nick walks into my room. He's took his jumper of and he turns to look at me which makes me feel so guilty.

"I'm so sorry nick. Last night keeps playing over in my head and I really hope I didn't mess anything up with you. You're my best friend and i don't want that to change. I'm so sorry nick I shouldn't have kissed you-"


"-I'm so very sorry. What if you didn't want to kiss me and you thought you felt forced to kiss me because I kept on bugging you to tell me who you like-"


"-Nick please forgive me if you are willing to-"

"Y/n. What have I told you about saying the s word. Now don't blame yourself because i leaned in to I wanted to kiss you as well. I don't regret it at all" he says and I smile

We look into each others eyes and we lean in. His lips lightly touch mine and fireworks are exploding again. I smile into the kiss and after a couple seconds I pull away. I smile at nick and bring him over to my bed

"I really like you y/n y/l/n"

"I really like you too nick nelson"

After a little bit nick says he has to go

"Wait before you go, how long were you standing outside my door for" I ask and he laughs

"Maybe like ten minutes" he says

I laugh and hug him

"Should we tell people or keep this a secret for a little bit" I ask

"Let's keep it a secret for a little bit so it's only us and then after either a couple of weeks or months we can start to tell people. It's not that I'm not ready it's just I don't want people coming up to us especially you and bombarding you with questions and you not being comfortable in the situation and I want       to be  comfortable cause what if we break up and everythingwhich i hope won't happen" he explains

Nick Nelson x fem reader Where stories live. Discover now