Chapter 1

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Fury was going through some old SHIELD files when suddenly he saw a really small file. "What's this, why is it so small." he commented to himself.

Subject: Percy Jackson

Age: 18

Description: messy jet black hair, a Mediterranean complexion, and sea-green eyes

Height: 6 foot

Parents: father unknown step father Gabe Ugliano(missing) current step father Paul Blofis mother Sally Jackson

Additional comments: has been kicked out of six schools, dropped class in a shark tank during a field trip, blew up a school bus with a cannon, current school Goode high school almost kicked out during orientation but was excused. Blew up the St Louis Arch was seen with two others, and was seen in many other places with the same individuals in the course of five years. Eight months later he was seen with seven other people (all kids the same age) they were spotted in Alaska, Greece, and Rome plus many other places.

Fury had to do a double take to make sure he was seeing things right. This kid is 18. How did he do all of this? "I'm taking this to the Avengers, let's see if they can get this kid."

*time skip brought to you by bob*

30 minutes later Fury was in front of the Avengers sitting at a table he threw the file in front of them. "Stark, you and the rest of the team have a mission to find this guy and bring him in for questioning." Natasha picked up the file and looked at it then passed it to Steve who passed it onto the next person.

"Fury you can't be serious this is just a kid he was probably in the wrong place at the wrong time." stated Steve.

"I don't know Rogers, that's why I need you to bring him in so we can make sure he's not a threat" Fury said "suit up and get that kid all you need to know to find him is in there."

"Alright Avengers let's head out to find a kid who may or may not be a terrorist." commanded Steve

Clint, Nat, Tony, and Steve got up and suited up then
headed out to find a kid named Percy Jackson.

The file that changed everything Where stories live. Discover now