Chapter 8

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When all the avengers were up they saw that Percy had dark circles under his eyes. He was sitting at the island in the kitchen looking like he would fall asleep any second so they just made breakfast and let him be, seeing as he didn't look like he was in the mood to talk.

Percy did you get any sleep last night after what happened.

No, I was too scared of the nightmares coming back so I just went to the kitchen and sat down. I was intending on making food but once I sat down I didn't want to get back up.

You need sleep. You want me to try something tonight that might help a little.

Yes please.

Ok I will.

"Why are you guys staring at you like you're in love?" Tony teased as Percy and Loki blushed.

"Oh leave 'em alone stark." Steve said.

After that the day just continued with tony teasing them an Everyone trying to get him to stop. Well almost everyone Clint Helped tease them after a little while finding it funny.

*time skip to that night*

"Ok I'm going to go into your mind and try to project fun memories to block out the nightmares. Is that ok with you?" Loki asked Percy while they sat down on his bed getting comfortable. "In order for me to do this I need to keep constant contact with you so that I can focus my powers." Loki had explained.

"Ok that sounds like a plan, let's do this." Percy replied.

As Percy said that he laid down and closed his eyes waiting for Loki to do whatever he was going to do.

Loki put his fingers on the sides of Percy's head and focused his energy on projecting good memories into Percy's mind.

inside his mind there was a place that looked like a camp so obviously he assumed it was CHB or camp half-blood. It was beautiful. There was a lake with canoes floating on it and a beach next to it. There were cabins in the shape of a Greek Omega. As Loki was looking around he saw Percy sitting next to a girl that was reading a book aloud he couldn't quite see the cover but he could just make out what she was saying

"*Really?" Biana looked down at her teal dress. "Wow, Grady
and Edaline have really come a long way, haven't they?"
They had.
And Sophie wasn't going to let anything set them back.
They set to work, packing up trunk after trunk of gowns and
shoes and handbags and makeup and hats and jewelry." (If you know what this is from your awesome come fangirl with me)

Loki got a little closer and heard Percy say "what is this book called again, Annabeth? It's a really good book but not as good as the one before." Percy questions.

"Oh it's called Keeper of the Lost Cities, this is the third book everblaze." Annabeth answered.

After that Annabeth kept reading to Percy. Loki figured out that they were probably dating but why had Percy never mentioned a girlfriend? After a few seconds he realized that she must have been one of the casualties of the giant war and probably one of the reasons why Percy always seems so sad.

When the memory finished Loki and Percy woke up to find themselves curled up together in a way that would be cute if they were dating but they were not so it was just plain awkward.

Sorry it took me so long to post this chapter. I kinda had no idea on what to write. I was also procrastinating but yeah here's the chapter I feel like I was going to say something else but I forgot what so byeeeeee till next chapter.

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