Chapter 5

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As the Avengers were about to call it a night they heard a screaming coming from Percy's room they all quickly ran to his room only to see he was still asleep he was flailing his arms and legs everywhere and there were tears running down his face. "What is going on? Why is he yelling and is he still asleep?" Tony yelled.

Quicker than the Avengers could comprehend,Steve threw a knife at Percy which he woke up and caught. Everyone except Percy and Steve was looking at Bucky weirdly. "Why would you do that? You could have killed him." Wanda yelled.

"I was doing what I knew would wake him up and keep him from hurting himself. I would have to do the same thing to Bucky back in the war. I just put two and two together. He has serious PTSD. He is screaming and yelling in his sleep so he obviously has some serious battle instincts so I grabbed a knife and threw it expecting him to catch it which he did." Steve explained.

While Steve was doing this Percy was sitting on the bed with a broken look on his face from the nightmare listening to what Steve was saying knowing that is the same thing Anna-she did for him after the titan war. He had a seriously messed up mind after that and very graphic nightmares. In order to wake him up she had to throw a knife at him letting his instincts take over and effectively waking him up.

"Don't yell at Steve for doing what he did, it helped me wake up and his reasoning is valid. My girlfriend used to have to do that for me in order to wake me up out of my nightmare if they got this bad." Percy told the Avengers.

"Used to? Why would you say that? Did she die?" Steve asked.

"Yes she did that's why I was at the cabin you found me at I was grieving for my friends or else I would have been at home with my mom and step-dad." Percy replied.

"What did you go through that caused you to have this severe case of PTSD? It's almost worse than Steve and Bucky if not it is."Bruce asked the question on everyone's minds.

"I don't want to talk about it. Can we all just go to sleep? I'm tired and I want to get as much sleep as possible." Percy asked.

"Yeah we'll leave you for the night, see you in the morning." Steve answered before anyone else could ask more questions as he could tell Percy wasn't in the mood.

*little time skip to morning*

Percy got up at 5 o'clock in the morning after his bad night of barely any sleep and went to the kitchen not expecting anyone to be awake. Imagine his surprise when he walked in and saw Steve and making breakfast. "Hey Percy whatcha doing up so early it normally takes the other a few more hours to get up." He asked.

"I couldn't sleep so I decided to come to the kitchen to get breakfast then go on a run to clear my head." Percy replied.

"Well we go on a run every morning so if you want to you can come with us after we eat." Steve told Percy.

"Sure what's for breakfast?" Percy asked.

"I'm making pancakes if you want some." Steve told him.

"Sure but let me in there I'm making mine blue." Percy demanded.

"Well ok but may I ask why blue?" Steve asked as he moved to let Percy come in.

"It's an inside joke. Me and my mom have, I had a step-dad that told me blue food wasn't a real thing so me and my mom got only blue foods. It drove him crazy but made us happy." Percy explained

After Percy said that Steve and him sat down and ate then they went out for a morning jog. Once they got to a certain point Percy asked if he could go somewhere real quick. Steve said he were fine with it as long as he came back in a little bit so he headed off to his mom's apartment to see her and Paul.

When Percy got to the apartment he knocked on the door waiting for his mom to answer. "Coming... Percy!"

"Hey mom I missed you." Sally opened the door wider so that Percy could come in and stepped to the side while he took in what was going on. He saw Paul holding a baby girl. "Mom, what did I miss while I was gone?"

"Me and Paul had a kid you know a lot can happen in the months  you were missing, meet your baby sister Estelle." Sally told Percy

"I'm a big brother? I'm a big brother! Awwww she's so cute." Percy was fawning over his little sister Sally was so happy that he loved her and wasn't an only child anymore she had noticed that he seemed kinda lonely.

"Well sadly I can't stay long as the Avengers are most likely going to ask me to join them because I was forced to show them my skills with a sword and other weapons and just fighting in general. I'll come visit again soon I promise bye." Percy told them as he was heading out after playing with Estelle for a little bit.

When Percy arrived back at the tower the Avengers plus Nick Fury were standing there waiting for him then Fury stepped forward and told Percy "we want you to join the Avengers." Percy didn't hesitate for a second before saying "sure" but Nick was on a roll and kept going saying "I know you probably don't want to join as you are still a teenager and want to live a normal life but you are really good with a weapon. Wait, did you say yes?"

"Yes I said yes I will join the team if you guys are willing to have me and I don't exactly have a normal life as you could probably tell with the whole thing with the PTSD and awful nightmares oh and the fact that I can use weapons." Percy said as he walked down the hallway to get dressed and take a shower after his run.

"Well this is going to be an interesting experience. I have a feeling I'll have more than enough excitement to last for a few lifetimes." Percy said to himself.

On that note I'm going to leave for today and thank you all for voting and commenting. You guys are the reason I'm still doing this. I wasn't too confident in my first chapter and wasn't sure if I was actually going to keep doing this. I promise that in the next chapter I'm going to introduce Thor and Loki and really get this story started. Until next chapter so I just realized that I made a mistake and said the 8 months that Percy was missing when really it was closer to ten as he was probably at camp a few weeks before he went missing then was gone for 8 months and the hoo series took almost a month and he went to the beach for a few weeks after the war. I'm sorry for making that mistake and thankful for ArianaPinapple for noticing my mistake and correcting it thank you

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