Chapter 3

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On his way to Avengers tower Percy thought of what happened to the seven in the final battle against Gaea.


there was so much going on it was chaos when suddenly Percy heard screaming and saw piper next to Jason he had a spear in his chest (sorry peoples I had to as my obligation as a pjo fandom I had to make it realistic) he had been stabbed by a cyclops as me and piper were by Jason a monster suddenly approached us I tried to stop it but it was to big and went through me and got to piper and killed her next to Jason. At least they will be together in the underworld as he was thinking that he heard a huge explosion and saw huge chunks of metal fly away from the explosion indicating that it was Festus and Leo at that point Percy was crying from all the death of his friends.

"Percy look out" Could be heard across the battlefield percy turned and saw hazel running after him shouting for him to turn around and so he did and saw a giant hand made of dirt gaining on him he ducked and saw the hand just barley miss him and hit hazel then there was a giant dragon flying overhead roaring and breathing fire percy identified him as frank he was so worried as almost all of his friends have died and it turned out his worries were right Gaea hit him out of the sky just as I saw ash flying away from Frank indicating that his life stick burned away. Percy was on the ground at this point holding riptide when annabeth came up to him "Percy we need to find a way to prevent more deaths and defeat Gaea I think I have a plan but it means there will be one more death percy I have to distract Gaea while you finish her off this will most likely end in my death but I've accepted it this is the only shot we have."

Percy faced Annabeth with sad eyes "no we can find another way to defeat her I can't lose you too" Percy said with tears running down his face "I know but this is the only way."

"Ok we'll do it." Percy said resigned to this plan "hey dirt face come here you little schist you ready to die!" Annabeth yelled while Percy gathered a storm. While Gaea was distracted Percy made a huge storm that hit Gaea straight in her weakest point but as a final f you she hit Annabeth with a fatal blow.

"No wise girl please don't leave me I need you!" Percy yelled "please seaweed brain" Annabeth coughed out with blood coming out of her mouth "I need you to live and live without me here I will see you in the afterlife but I hope not for many years I want you to live a long happy life find new love move on goodbye seaweed brain." She said with her dying breath

"Noooo wise girl!" Percy sobbed he knew he was never going to find love again he knew he was never going to move on he loved his wise girl too much.

*end flashback*

Percy had white knuckles as he gripped his steering wheel tightly. He had tears on his face as he arrived at the tower but quickly wiped them off as it is hard to completely erase evidence of tears. He still had red puffy eyes and tear tracks but at least he wasn't crying. He went to the front desk and told them "the avengers told me to come here. I don't know the layout so I need a few directions." The lady who was at the front had red hair and was very nice she gave me instructions for the elevator but I asked if they had stairs I could take instead she asked me why I just told her I have claustrophobia because I couldn't very well say oh I just have some PTSD from going through literal hell and having to take an elevator up. She accepted my story and told me where to go but warned me how many stairs I would have to walk. I didn't care as long as I didn't have to take the elevator.

When I got to the top of the stairs I walked out of the stairway and saw the Avengers waiting by the elevator so I decided to sneak up on them and scare them but Natasha turned around before I could do in reflex I covered her mouth and put a finger to my lips telling her to be quiet she then got a mischievous glint in her eyes as though she understood so I let go and snuck up behind them "Hey guys." At that moment they all jumped and pointed weapons at me. Thank the gods they realized it was me before they overreacted and hit me with something. "Percy you actually came." They all yelled at the same time.

"Yeah of course I came did you siriusly expect me not to?" Percy questioned "well yeah you're a kid we expected you to lie and run away." Steve answered.

"Wow you guys have so little faith in me." Percy replied "let's just get this interrogation over with will you."

"Yeah let's go, did you pack anything because you might be here overnight?" Natasha asked "yeah I kinda figured that would happen so I packed some clothes and what did I say about calling me a kid."

Well on that note I'll leave the chapter, I'll get to interrogation and before I forget may the fourth be with you the song I put up is what I was listening while writing this

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