Chapter 12

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This chapter will be in Loki's pov because in order for it to work right I had to be able to show his thoughts and this just makes that easier.

*Three months later on asgard*

I was lounging around eating grapes and watching a play disguised as father waiting for Thor to get back from his adventures to take over as the leader. keeping my promise to Percy that I would stay safe when suddenly I saw my brother, Skurge was supposed to warn me when my brother came so what's about to happen wouldn't happen. Despite what people think father was not the best ruler that Asgard has ever had I believed my brother will be a much better ruler. Father even tried to incriminate Heimdal even though he did nothing wrong he has been loyal for years.

I am only in disguise because my brother thinks I am dead after the events with the dark elves. I felt bad pretending that I was dead but it was the only way to keep my promise to Percy and watch over Asgard until Thor gets back from his adventures.

As I thought that my brother walked up to me "father"

"Oh styx" I said quietly "my Son Thor has returned greetings my boy." I said keeping in the character of my father.

"It's an interesting play. What's it called?" Thor asked me.

"The tragedy of Loki of Asgard. The people wanted to commemorate him."

"Ah indeed they should. I like the statue a lot better looking than when he was alive though a little less Weasley less greasy, maybe." Thor said, then lifted up the crown of surtur and asked me. " Do you know what this is?

"The skull of Surtur, that's a formidable weapon!"

"Do me a favor lock this away in a vault so it doesn't turn into a giant monster and destroy the whole planet

I handed my chalice of wine to the women next to me and stood up "thank you dear. So it's back to Midgard for you, is it?

"Nope." He said throwing his hammer into the air and catching it I had a seemingly disappointing look on my face while inside I was secretly happy maybe he will stay here and rule. "I've been having this recurring dream lately. Every night I see Asgard fall into ruins."

"That's just a silly dream, signs of an overactive imagination."

"Possibly but then I decide to go out there and investigate and what do I find but the nine realms completely in chaos. Enemies of Asgard assembling plotting our demise all while you Odin the protector of those nine realms are sitting here in your bathrobe eating grapes."

Me knowing I'm about to say something stupid starts backing up and replies "yes it is best to respect our neighbors' freedom."

"Yes of course the freedom to be massacred." When my brother says that he throws his hammer away and catches it.

Me continuing to be my dumb self continued talking "yes besides I've been rather busy myself."

"Watching theater."

"Board meetings and security council meetings."

"You're really going to make me do it?" Thor asks while I'm getting more nervous and rambling knowing exactly what he's talking about.

"Do what?" As soon as I say that I regret it he throws his hammer far into the distance and goes behind me grabbing my neck. "You know that nothing will stop mjolnir as it returns to my hand not even your face."

"You've gone quite mad. You'll be executed for this."

"I'll see you on the other side, brother"he says the last part quieter confirming my suspicions that he knows it's me.

"All right, I yield." I say in my own voice. As soon as I do that everyone gasps and looks angry at me then skurge runs in yelling "behold Thor odinson."

"No" I say while turning "you had one job. Just the one."

"Where's Odin?" When he asks that I'm secretly happy inside because I left him in New York because I knew Thor would ask, meaning I would have to take him to New York giving me an excuse to see Percy. Outside I'm saying "you just couldn't stay away could you? Everything was fine without you. Asgard was prospering you've ruined everything ask them-" I continue hiding under the mask I've been hiding behind all this time as soon as I say that last word Thor asks me again "where's father did you kill him?"

"You had what you wanted, you had the independence you asked for." I said quickly while backing up then my legs hit the back of the couch and I fell onto it while Thor pressed his hammer into my chest. " whoa, whoa, whoa! Ok I know exactly where he is." With that we head to Midgard.

As an apology for the confusing last chapter I hath given you a double update sorry again for the confusion.

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