Chapter 13

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When Loki and Thor get earth the first thing Loki does is teleport them to Percy's room in avengers tower finally telling Thor why he put their father here specifically "father is in New York but first we're getting Percy that was the whole reason for putting father here so that I could see him it's been three months since I last saw him I'm miserable."

"Fine you can get Percy then we're getting father and if you miss him so much being separated that long bring him with you this time." When Thor says that Percy walks in and sees Loki

"Loki! I missed you. I was worried after I saw what happened with the dark elves in the news." Percy says while flinging himself at Loki and kissing him after he does this he finally notices Thor behind Loki. "Oh hi Thor. Also what are you guys doing in my room?"

"Well my brother thought it would be funny to bring our father to Midgard and play as him so we came to get him but Loki decided to come here first and get you because he missed you." Thor explained

"Oh that makes sense now what are we waiting for, let's go get your father." With that they teleport to a demolition sight of a place that used to be called shady acres care home

"I swear I left him right here." Loki said with his arms crossed

"Right here on the sidewalk or right there where the building is being demolished?" Percy asks with amusement. "Great planning."

"How was I supposed to know? I can't see into the future, I'm not a witch." Loki said defensively.

"No? Then why did you dress like one?" Thor asked this time looking at Loki's clothes


"I can't believe you're alive. I saw you die, I mourned you, I cried for you." Thor ranted

"I'm honored." Loki replied stoically.

"Wait what happened I'm so confused. Can somebody explain that not everyone was there when the dark elves attacked." Percy questioned not understanding what happened that day.

As soon as Percy finished ranting some girls came over and asked Thor for a picture he said yes and they explained while they did that Thor quickly told Loki "start figuring out where he is."

After they took the picture one of the girls stayed and said "sorry to hear that Jane dumped you." When she said that Thor tried to explain but it was kinda sad so no one listened to him. When Thor stopped talking about how it was a "mutual dumping." Golden yellow collared sparks started at Loki's feet

"What's this? what are you doing?"

"This isn't me." As soon as he said that Loki fell into the hole that left nothing but a card behind as soon as Thor and Percy saw that they bent down and grabbed it. There was an address that said "177a bleeker street? Well let's go there and get my boyfriend and your brother back!" Percy exclaimed. With that the boys went to the address

I'm going to this church camp that my youth group goes to every year for a week on Monday and I'm not bringing my phone because there is a high possibility of it being stolen,broken, or lost so I probably won't post another chapter for a week or two 

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