Chapter 11

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I will put and AN at the end of this chapter to explain what's going don't worry

A few weeks after Loki left Percy was bored so he turned on the T.V and saw that there was an army of these things called dark elves and that Thor and a few of his friends were helping stop them.

Percy watched the events play anxiously wondering where Loki is in all this as time went by water started floating around him and Percy was thankful for the fact that all the avengers were out doing their own things.

After the report was over percy went and restarted it because he started watching it closer to the end not long before Thor got all the beacon things and destroyed the dark elf leader guy. When he started at the beginning he saw that Loki went into a portal with Thor and Jane but unlike the other two he didn't get out.

*time skip a few more weeks*

Percy's worrying got worse and worse over the weeks and to add onto that worry there was now untron to worry about the avengers plus me are now busting klaw and trying to stop ultron from getting the vibranium.

I'm staying in the quinjet with Banner as backup when out of nowhere a girl comes along ,Percy thought her name was Wanda, and does this weird mind trick that messes up Banner's brain and makes him hulk out. After she does it to Banner she tries to do it to me but fails because when she looks into my mind and sees my worst nightmares she sees all that's happened to me and it has her on the ground screaming out. After a few seconds a dude in a blue tracksuit ran over with super speed and knelt next to Wanda.

"What did you do to my sister?" Pietro questioned.

"Nothing she was trying to get into my head but there was too much trauma for her to handle, I guess I have a messed up life and an even more messed up mind." Percy replied.

After he said that, Pietro ran off with his sister, leaving Percy alone at the jet waiting for Tony, who he saw flying after banner.

A few minutes later the avengers were being dragged one at a time to the jet by Clint who is seemingly the only one unaffected so Percy ran over to him and explained why he wasn't affected by Wanda.

*time skip to final battle because the author is lazy and everyone knows what happens*

In the final battle against ultron Percy is with Clint about to evacuate to the helicarrier when suddenly they hear a girl crying out for her brother so they went to help get him they got the kid and were about to escape to the helicarrier finally when out of nowhere ultron comes and shoots at them as Percy was putting up a water shield pietro came running trying to be a human shield and protect them but Percy was faster and made one out of water and saved them all.

Clint and Percy plus Pietro and the kid made it to the helicarrier just when Tony blew up the city and stopped world wide extinction.

Read all of this and I mean all of it it's very important it explains the need for this chapter

I was going to also do civil war but realized unlike for age of ultron not much changed all that happens is that Percy is on team iron man. The reason I did this chapter was because as I was writing the chapter 11 which is now chapter 12 I realized that in order for this to work I have to fix the timeline and all that because I realized dark world happens before age of ultron meaning what happened in earlier chapters would make no sense so I was kinda forced to change a few things like get a rid of vision and Wanda and pietro and bucky and Sam in earlier chapters so some of what happens has been altered but as you see I still didn't kill off pietro just because it was changed. Sorry for the confusion. I hope this cleared it up.

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