Chapter 14

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Percy and Thor arrived in front of a house that could only be described as haunted. Thor pounded on the boor twice on the third time both him and Percy were teleported inside.

Taking a look around the boys heard "Thor odinson and Percy jackson." Turning around they saw a mysterious cloaked figure that was levitating slightly off the ground that slowly made his way over to them.

Thor put his umbrella that was secretly his hammer out when the guy landed in front of them "god of thunder, you can put down the umbrella." The dude said not even glancing at Percy.

When Thor put the umbrella in a stand all three of them were suddenly transported to another room. "So earth has wizards now?" Thor asked while pointing a weird metal spike thing at the Cloaked dude.

Thor tried putting the metal spike back where he found it but failed and caused all of the others to fall "the perfected term is 'master of the mystic arts.' You can leave that now."

"Alright wizard, who are you? Why should we care?" Thor said pointing at both him and percy.

"My name is Doctor Stephen Strange, and I have some questions for you. Take a seat." Strange said that he transported the three to chairs.


"I don't drink tea." Percy answered when he said that he suddenly had a cup of coke in his hand "can you make it blue?" at that Percy got a weird look but strang complied and Percy now had a blue coke.

"Neither do I." Thor said.

"Well what do you drink?" Strange asked.

"Not tea." Thor now had a beer in his hands.

"So I keep a watch list and beings from other realms that may be a threat to this world. Your adopted brother, Loki, is one of those beings, so are you Percy."

"He's a worthy inclusions." Thor's beer refilled "Hmm. But why Percy?"

"He doesn't know?" Strange asked Percy with a disbelieving face.

"No, because I never told anyone except Loki because he's my boyfriend and deserves to know. Also, he figured it out after being in a room with me for lass than  five minutes."

"What are you talking about?" Thor questioned them both.

"I'll explain later after this." Percy answered.

"Back to what I was talking about, why bring your brother here?" Strange asked Thor

"We're looking for my father." Thor answered

"So if I were to tell you where Odin was, all parties concerned would  promptly return to Asgard?" Strange asked.

"Promptly" Percy and Thor said at the same time.

"Great, then I'll help you." Strange said with a slight laugh in his voice.

"If you knew where he was then why didn't you call me?" Thor asked

"I have to tell you he was adamant that he not be disturbed. Your father said he had chosen to remain in exile, and you don't have a phone."

"No I don't have a phone but couldn't you have called percy?" At that strange had a look of pure disbelief.

"He truly knows nothing, you see Percy is a Greek demigod if he uses a phone he'll be attacked by monsters. How have you been living with the avengers for months and they still haven't found out about this?!?!"

"Anyway my father is no longer in exile so if you could tell me where he is I can take him home." Thor asked, getting back to the topic still in shock about what he just found out about Percy.

"Gladly. He's in Norway." Strange told Thor getting up and teleporting all three of them to a different area of the house again "I'm just seeing whether this incantation requires any asgardian modifications. Nope." Strange quickly said, closing the book that he picked up and teleporting them across the room.

Thor who was leaning against a book shelf broke it when he was transported for the third time while Percy who was used to being moved very suddenly was like strange moving around like normal.

Thor put his his mug of beer down and asked "would you stop doing that?"

Strange turned around and stammered out "I-I just need one strand of your hair." At that Percy started laughing at how ridiculous this all is.

"I t-think t-that I'm getting w-way to used to this stuff happening!" Percy said between laughter finally snapping "can we just hurry this up I want my boyfriend back?"

"Let me explain something my hair is not to be meddled with." He winced as Percy had snuck up behind him grabbing a strand of his hair so that things would move along.

Percy handed the hair to strange and he started a spell while teleporting to yet another room causing Thor to roll down the stairs the strange had teleported to while once again Percy was just standing there hoping for this to hurry along.

As strange finished the spell Thor stood up and said "we could have just walked."

Ignoring his words strange told them "he's waiting for you."

"Alright." Thor murmured.

"Don't forget your umbrella." Strange said quickly before Thor walked through the portal.

"Oh yes." He said while sticking his hand out they could hear multiple crashes percy was flinching every time the "umbrella" hit something.

"Sorrryy." Thor said right before the umbrella that's really the hammer came to his hand. He brushed off all the glass that was on it and said "I suppose I'll need my brother back."

"Yes bring me back my boyfriend." Percy chimed in.

"Oh, yeah. Right." Strange replied quickly and made a portal that Loki fell out of.

"I have been falling for thirty minutes!" He yelled form his spot on the floor.

Percy ran over to him while strange told Thor "you can handle him from here."

"Yes. Of course. Thank you very much for your help." Thor answered.

"Good luck." Strange said shaking Thor's hand.

"Handle me? Who are you?" Loki said taking out his knives.

"Loki." Percy tried to reason.

"You think your some kind of sorcerer? Don't think for one minute, you second rate..."

"Alright bye-bye" strange interrupted and sent them all through the portal fast before loki attacked him.

When they got through the portal loki fell on the ground again while Thor and Percy just stared at him "come on why do you always resort to knives first?" Percy asked. "Your always stab first questions later but," Percy said looking around "we will deal with this later."

I am so sooo very sorry for not posting in so long life happened I never got a chance to write I wrote more chapters during school than during the summer and school starts in a week for me so hopefully I'll be able to post more I'm not sure tho I now have braces as of today so that's kinda sad because I discovered how much of a pain it is to eat. Well ima end here and say once more I'm so very sorry for not posting you'd think I wouldn't post on someone's birthday but here I am at home not at my dad's writing and dealing with braces.

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