Chapter 7

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After a little while of staring at the ceiling, Percy decided to take a nap hoping that he wouldn't be bombarded with nightmares. You can guess how that went.

Percy was in Tartarus being tortured by him. "Little demigod, did you really think you could run from me? just from being in my presence I now have access to your dreams and what happens here happens to you in the real world for example if I was to do this." Tartarus said as he stabbed Percy with a knife he summoned "you would have a real stab wound." Percy yelled hoping someone would hear him and get him out of here as he kept being tortured by Tartarus.

*loki's room at that same time*

Loki was woken up by screaming coming from the room next door Percy's room he ran in and saw that he was bleeding everywhere from multiple stab wounds. On the verge of panic he went into Percy's mind to try and get him out of whatever the hades was going on.

As Loki looked into Percy's mind he saw terrors that no one should have ever had to deal with and tried his hardest to pull him out but couldn't he hit a block in Percy's mind. He went up to Percy as Tartarus stopped for a break and hugged him telling Percy "you don't deserve this you are such a good person but you know the saying the worst things happen to the best people and the best things happen to the worst people it's just how life goes. I need you to fight to get out of here. Can you do that?"

Percy nodded and hugged Loki back wondering how he got so lucky to have someone here to help him. After some time Tartarus came back but Percy kept fighting and kept holding on not letting anything get to him, not even the pain. He eventually got a reprise as Tartarus left saying "you're going to wake up now but as soon as you fall back asleep you will be right back here good luck surviving the rest of the week let alone month." With that Percy woke up and went to the bathroom to check on all of his wounds, healing them with water.

Just when Percy finished Loki walked in with a concerned look on his face "How are you holding up? You seemed to be really struggling last night. You're lucky I was able to get you to stop screaming or the Avengers would have come in here and your secret would be out." Loki walked over to Percy and gave him a hug telling himself it meant nothing, he was just a friend and it would always be so because no one could possibly love him. Little did he know Percy was thinking nearly the same thing, the only difference is that Percy didn't think he was worthy of love again after Annabeth died.

I know this chapter is incredibly short but I'm kinda stuck right now and don't know exactly how this story is going to go I'm just thinking as I go I have absolutely no plan and I also wanted you guys to get a little bit of poki that me the only semblance of a plan I have

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