Chapter 4

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The Avengers brought Percy to an interrogation room and sat him down on the table. They didn't handcuff him though because they knew he could be trusted. Steve sat in front of percy to ask him questions first  "Ok kid i'm gonna start out real easy first question how old are you?" Percy answered "18" steve looked at him and thought he looked about 16-17 despite already knowing he was 18 before hand "Now i'm going to ask some slightly harder questions did you or did you not blow up the St. Louis arch." His eyebrows raised at this "You called me in to ask about stuff that happened six years ago."

Steve looked at the kid sympathetically "Look kid I don't want to do this as much as you probably don't but we gotta work together in order to get this over with so just answer the dam question."

Percy sighed " ok I didn't blow up the arch, I was just at the wrong place at the very wrong time. I was on the elevator with the person that actually blew up the arch but I couldn't get out as we were in an elevator."

Steve relaxed his stiff posture "Thanks kid that's exactly what I needed, Bruce will be here in a moment just stay put a few minutes." Steve got up but was stopped by Percy "I'm not a kid so don't call me one." then he left.

Percy sat there bored for a few minutes and was about to get up and do something, what? He didn't know yet but just as he was about to do that Bruce came in and sat down in front of him. "Percy, here's how this is going to go. I'm going to say a word  and you're gonna answer with the first thing on your mind you understand."

"Yeah but why am I doing this you kinda forgot to explain?" Percy asked as he leaned forward "Oh yeah sorry this is a psychological exam to see if there's anything wrong in your mind but before we do that do you have any health problems I should know about?" Bruce supplied.

"I have ADHD and dyslexia."

"OK let's start red."







"Wise girl"

Ok percy that's all I need to know for now but we will need to do a physical later as based on our info you haven't had one in a few years." with that Bruce left while the Avengers stood outside wondering what the hades just happened.

When Bruce went towards the Avengers they asked "So what is going on there?"

"It seems Percy has signs of PTSD I don't know how but it's worrisome he is just a kid despite what he keeps insisting." Bruce said.

Next up was Nat. She went into the interrogation room where Percy is and sat down in the exact place where Steve and Bruce sat when they questioned Percy "So Percy you ready to get out of here." Nat asked, "You bet where we are going?" Percy answered.

"We're going to the training room to see how you do with weapons. Do you know how to use any type of weapon?" Nat asked.

"Yeah I know how to use a sword and can fight hand to hand just don't give me a bow. I'm a terrible shot." Percy replied.

Nat raised her eyebrows at that answer where did he learn to use weapons so if he can do all that he can't really be that bad a shot. Well only one way to know how bad he is or good he is at shooting and fighting. Nat and Percy made their way to the training room, it was a wide open room with a bunch of training equipment and a boxing ring for hand to hand training. There was a weapons rack that assorted types of swords and bows with quivers next to them. There was an area that had a punching bag hanging with a bunch of extras next to it. The last and biggest thing in the room was an obstacle course that had a bunch of moving parts.

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