Chapter 6

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Percy had been at the avengers tower a few days now and today as they were all in the living room hanging out laughing and playing games there was suddenly a crash coming from a room right next to them. Imagine everyone's surprise when Thor along with Loki walked into the room with them. "I know you all don't like my brother but he has been ordered to stay at the tower with us for three months. Father decided that staying with us was a good way to make him learn his lesson from all of those times he tried to kill us." Thor explained.

"What did Loki do out of curiosity as these idiots haven't told me the full story yet?" Percy asked.

"My brother tried to take over the world and kill us all. May I ask who you are?" Thor replied.

"oh my name's percy jackson and I'm assuming your Thor." Percy answered

Percy looked at Loki and thought he looked lonely. "Yes, that would be correct mortal." At that Percy tried his hardest to not laugh.

"That's a cool hammer, can I look at it real quick?" Percy asked Thor looking at his hammer.

"Ok but just a warning it's a bit heavy you might have trouble lifting it." Thor answered, handing Percy the hammer expecting him not to be able to hold it.

Percy grabbed the hammer from Thor when he passed it to him "why did you say this was heavy unbalanced yes but not heavy." Percy said while testing out the weight.

The jaws of all the Avengers dropped from surprise. "How! No one has been able to hold that hammer." Stark exclaimed.

"What's so special about a hammer... oh yeah I forgot Thor Norse god of thunder hammer mjolnir only the worthy can wield it." Percy started to laugh awkwardly at that thinking about how he's dead and his secrets exposed.

Percy quickly handed the hammer back to Thor and ran out while everyone was distracted gawking over the fact that Percy could hold mjolnir Loki ran and followed Percy to ask him a very serious question.

"Percy, are you a demigod?" Loki asked from behind Percy.

"No, what would make you think that?" Percy replied.

"Oh I don't know the fact that you specified what Parthenon we belong to, you specifically said Norse almost like your part of another Greek or Roman specifically." Loki told Percy

"Fine you caught me Percy Jackson son of Poseidon just don't tell anyone else I have been here barely a week and I promised I wouldn't tell anyone about me being a demigod."

"Ok I swear on the Styx that unless you give me permission to tell anyone that you are a demigod." Loki swore. "One more thing, can you show me what powers you have? I'll show you mine." 

"Sure I have a feeling this is going to be interesting." Percy answered as they walked to the training room where there was a door that led to the pool.

Once they got to the pool Percy jumped in and willed the water to hold him up so that he wouldn't just sink to the bottom. "What do you want me to show you first? I can control water, actually I can control any liquid but I don't like using that part of my powers. They scare me and everyone around me." Percy questioned Loki.

"Can you show me your full powers?" Loki asked Percy

"I would if I could but I would most likely take down this section of the tower." Percy replied "I can show you a lot of my powers tho." At that Percy started to pull the water up and make a mini hurricane. Percy put up a barrier of water around all the weak points in the room so he wouldn't accidentally break something or blow something up as that seems to be a theme when he uses a lot of his powers. Loki was just standing there in awe thinking about how powerful he is if this isn't even his full powers.

Once Percy was done showing his powers he and Loki went back to the training room so that Loki could show Percy his powers. In order to do this Loki created illusions of him all around them and after he did that he went into Percy's mind and spoke to him. Can you hear this?  Loki asked. I can hear you loud and clear. This is so cool.

After they showed each other their powers they went back to the main room where the Avengers were searching frantically for them hoping nothing had happened to Percy. When the Avengers saw Percy and Loki walk in they all ran to Percy and glared at Loki thinking he did something to him. "Where were you and why were you with him?" Pietro questioned.

"Well you guys were all just staring at the hammer weirdly so I went to the training room where I saw Loki and we just sat around and talked for a little while. Then we came back here because I figured you were done with the freaked out looks." Percy explained "Also don't insult Loki he had one lapse in judgment now you all judge him." At that Loki looked at Percy with a grateful look.

Percy then proceeded to walk out the room with Loki trailing him Percy walked to his room and brought Loki to the room next to him explaining this is where he is going to stay while he's here. Thank you for sticking up for me percy.

That's what friends are for. With that Percy went into his room to lay down and Loki went into his room. When Loki went to his room he just sat down on the bed and stared at the ceiling wondering how he got a friend among the Avengers.

While this was happening the Avengers were in the living room questioning life and wondering how Loki made a friend out of the most closed off one of them all.

I was not expecting to post today but you know when you have inspiration to write what do you do. The song up top is what I was listening to while writing this

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