Chapter 9

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When Percy and Loki woke up they were in a kind of awkward position and were blushing like madmen. Percy tried getting up only to get more tangled up with Loki making his face look like a tomato. It was so red. "Oh sorry you go left I'll go right." Percy told Loki in order to try to get up.

"Ok...oh geez nope that didn't work." Loki said as they just accomplished getting more tangled than before. They heard someone coming down the hallway and tried to quickly disentangle themselves before someone found them but alas they failed.

"Oh my god what happened here?" Tony asked, rolling on the floor laughing.

"Not a word to anyone." Percy commanded with his best wolf glare that scared some sense into Bucky because he has had a lot of time perfecting that glare at the wolf house with Lupa and in Tartarus. 

"Don't worry I won't say a thing." Tony replied then immediately said "Friday  you got that on camera?"

"Yes fossil tin an I got everything on camera." Friday said in a sassy voice.

With that Tony left and Percy and Loki finally got themselves disentangled. After that they went to get breakfast only to see the Avengers hanging around the kitchen laughing at a video. "What are you laughing at?"

"Oh nothing, just the start of Poki." Tony said while facing the video towards Percy and Loki laughing the entire time.

"I never said a word, I pulled it up without saying anything so technically I never did anything wrong." Tony said while backing up at both Percy and Loki's glares directed at him. "Steve, a little help here."

"Nope you're on your own stark you made them mad now it's up to you to fix it." Steve replied.

"You are so dead." Percy and Loki said at the same time while chasing Tony around the room much to everyone's amusement. The one thing in every avengers head is I ship them not knowing they were projecting their thoughts so that Loki could hear them.

The rest of the day basically went that way, nothing really interesting happened except for training and messing with Loki and Percy.

That night Loki went to Percy's room again asking if he wanted to do the thing to get rid of nightmares again and Percy said yes because he secretly liked waking up next to Loki. They continued to do this over the course of a few weeks. As they continued this they continued to grow closer and all the avengers were waiting for them to get together.

Kind of a filler I know I was kinda experiencing a small case of writer's block.

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