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  "TATE VERLICE!" A voice boomed, and she jumped from her spot

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"TATE VERLICE!" A voice boomed, and she jumped from her spot. The young fighter had just enrolled in flight school, despite her family's pleas for her to instead stay as a ground soldier for the Resistance. The adrenaline junkie had other plans, deciding to become an ultimate aviator. It had been her plan since she was six, when her father used to tuck her in and tell her about when he used to fight side-by-side with Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Han Solo.

"Here, ma'am!" Tate shouted back, a smirk tantalizing her lips. The commander walked up to her, just about to reprimand her for her inappropriate behavior when a man and another commander walked in.

"Commander Bey, this is your new transfer. His name is Poe Dameron, his father was a pilot before him." The transfer nodded his head awkwardly, admittedly blushing at the attention.

"Well, Dameron, fall in." Commander Bey nodded, and he shuffled next to Tate. He flashed her a nervous smile, only making Tate taunt him. "and you," Commander Bey turned to Tate, and she only widened her stance in a silent challenge. "You're safe... for now." the commander turned and walked away, dismissing everybody from their military position.

Tate began to walk back to her dingy bed, when she looked back at the awkward man standing in the middle of the room, "Hey," he looked at her, "The bed next to me is free." Poe followed her, setting down his duffel bag onto the dark gray mattress. "The name's Tate, Tate Verlice."

"Poe Dameron," they shook hands.

"Yeah, I know. Commander Djarin comes in around once every two weeks with a new transfer or recruit. I think Bey is gonna blow her own head off with a blaster if she gets another trainee."

"Well, it's a good thing I'm no trainee, then." Poe retorted, his smirk mirroring the girl's.

"Oh, you're a challenge, Poe Dameron." Tate smiled, hanging up her off-white sweater that laid on her bed.

— two years later.

"Dameron and Verlice! On the airstrip, now!" Commander Bey's voice shouted with malice through their comms. Poe's ship lowered next to Tate's, raising his eyebrows in mock surprise.

"What do you think she'll hate more, Dameron?" Tate asked, her voice slightly muffled in their school given tactical helmets. "The vandalism I performed in the bathroom, or this stunt?"

Poe laughed, the two landing shortly afterward. They took off their helmets, resting them in their pilot seats while they fell in line. "I don't know what the hell you two think you're doing up there, spinning around like some circus monkey!" Commander Bey crossed her arms, "Dameron, I know great things can be expected from you. Although, they aren't going to happen if you keep on hanging out with the likes of Verlice."

Their commander left, and Tate adjusted her jaw in anger. "Hey," Poe grabbed her upper arm. "It's whatever, I'm not gonna listen to her anyway." Tate nodded. Through the years they'd been here together, they were as thick as thieves.

"Yeah, I know. I just wish she'd cut me some slack." Tate sighed, "She always goes on about what a bad influence I am on you,"

"Oh, I think you're a horrible influence," Poe's hand reached out to tickle her ribs, making her shy away from his surprise. "Come 'ere!"


— graduation.

"Poe Dameron!" The boy, who definitely filled out to earn the title of "man", stood up from his seat. He walked past Commander Bey, shaking her hand, then shaking Commander Djarin's before leaving the room. Slowly, the room turned into empty space. Three hours had passed before Tate's name was even planned to be called.

"Tate Verlice!" She practically jumped from her seat, her legs aching with each step. She stretched her limbs, shaking Commander Bey's hand. "Perhaps we need someone with your nerve on the force," She looked at her, now, former apprentice. "Good luck out there." Tate shook Commander Djarin's hands before pushing her weight against the heavy metal doors.

"I'm free!" She shouted to the sky, a laugh from the side of her making her jump. "Poe?! What the hell are you still doing here?"

"Waiting for you," He responded, pushing himself off the wall. Tate, though blushing, rolled her eyes at the sweet gesture. "Besides, I got you a graduation gift."

"What a coincidence, I got you one too." Tate smiled. "Come on, I know a place we can go." She grabbed his hand, pulling him through the desert sands to an abandoned ship.

"Wow, I really love what you've done with the place." Poe looked around, and Tate shoved him away. He stumbled, smiling.

Tate sat down, crossing her legs over one another. Poe copied her actions, revealing the bag from behind his back dramatically. "Bum, bum, bum," he vocalized in a deep voice. Tate laughed at his attempt of being menacing, and she grabbed her carefully wrapped box from behind her back as well.

"You first."

Poe opened up the box, undoing the black, silky ribbon to reveal a brown leather flight jacket. There was red leather on the left shoulder, and poe laughed. "Oh, God, now this is embarrassing." Tate raised an inquisitive eyebrow, "Go on, open yours."

Tate drew hers open, throwing her head back in laughter. They bought each other the same leather jacket. "Hold on," Tate descended into a different piece of the plane. She returned, holding a jar of dark blue paint and two brushes. Tate began painting over the leather. "Well, come on," she held one out for Poe to take, "Help me."

Poe smiled, rolling onto his stomach and painting the red bits blue. They hadn't even realized how much time had passed, until they were both in their jackets, stargazing. "That is my favorite star." Poe pointed the brightest and closest star to them.

"You have a favorite star?" Tate turned to look at him.

"Yeah, don't you?" Poe asked her, his eyes subtly grazing up and down her face. Their proximity was justified by their close friendship, but both parties were too prideful and pathetic to get the guts to admit their true feelings for one another. Complete and absolute infatuation. It was humorous, considering they were the ones with the most nerve during the training.

"I guess mine would be that one," Tate pointed behind them, "Because it's never in the same place twice."

"You're lying," Poe said, "You just don't have a favorite star."

"Okay, I did it to impress you. So what?" Tate retorted, silently challenging him. Poe smiled, beginning to stand up.

"Then I would say you're very sweet and I appreciate the gesture." Poe teased her, making her laugh. "I need to head home, see my dad. I'll come by tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, star-boy."

Poe laughed, kissing her hand. "Farewell, princess!"

"Farewell, asshole!"

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