Chapter 4

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A week ago your mom told you you're moving to Seattle permanently, it wasn't really surprising due to the fact you're here almost a month and yesterday you flew back to NY to transfer all your stuff from the old house to your new house in Seattle.

"I hate you!" You yell at your mom shutting your bedroom door, you start crying. You didn't want to move. But you had too.

"Y/n Amelia Montgomery-Shepherd. We don't shut doors!" She yelled after you. Yes, you are called after your aunt Amelia. You took a deep breath and went outside your room to your mom. "I'm sorry... I don't hate you..." you said with your puffy eyes from crying

"I know" She said hugging you "I'm so sorry for doing this to you. I love you so so much. You're my little monkey." She said kissing your head, you put your head on her chest, you gave her a kiss on her cheek and smile

"You remember? Tomorrow you're flying back to Seattle to be with your dad and I'll be there in three days." She said with her face all worried. You're with your dad not alone...

You landed at Seattle... You texted your dad.

You: Hi dad, I just landed, where r u?
Dad❤️: I'm here waiting for you
You: Yea I see you now

You walked over him and hugged him. "So ladybug what you want to do?" He asks. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course!" He said smiling and you got into his car. "Are you and Meredith are together? Because I don't care if you are... I just want to know..." you said

"Why are you asking?" He asks, not in an aggressive way, he was just a little confused.
"I talked to her... she's really nice."

"I don't know what about me and Meredith. I think she doesn't want a serious relationship right now... And why am I talking about it with my twelve year old" he said and laughed nervously

"Don't you want me and your mom to be back together?" He ask

"Well.. I did. But you and mom were never really happy. Not like you and Meredith are. And mom isn't happy too, you always hurt each other and come back together for me... I just want it all to be over. I prefer two happy divorce parents then two miserable married ones..." You said and sigh

"Wow ladybug, you really growing up don't you?" He said while parking his car next to his trailer

"I do, and I think I'm too old for being called ladybug.. plus you really need to move out of the trailer! I hate it!" You sigh

"First, you'll always be my little ladybug. And second, You love my trailer, liar!" He said and start tickling you, what makes you laugh. You're fine with his trailer but because you're here and there's only one bed, your dad sleep outside in a hammock, he wants to give you your space... even though you told him you have no problem with him sleeping in the bed... It was already night so you went to bed and sleep.

It was morning and you got up to your dad waking you up to go to the hospital. You got a call from Julie

You: "Juls!! Did you heard I'm moving to Seattle?"
Juls💕: "I did! Gosh I already miss you"
You: "Me too..."
You: "Juls I gotta go, I got to the hospital and my dad will kill me. I'll call you later"
Juls💕: "bye y/n!" She said hanging up

You entered the hospital and saw Meredith standing there with the blonde woman and the black haired woman, you still have no idea what their names are. They were staring at your dad.

"So y/n... I'm going to surgery want me to walk you to the gallery?" He ask. but you weren't listening to him, you stared at Meredith and her friends. You have absolutely no idea why. This is all happening too fast. You really felt like Meredith was the only stable person in your life right now and you didn't even really know her. Maybe it was because you didn't really knew her.

"Y/n?" Your dad snapped you out of your thoughts. "No dad, I don't need you to walk me, go, I'll be there in a minute" You smile and hugged him, he hug you and go. You decide, very stupidly, that you're going to Meredith. You start walking and then she saw you walking towards her, you stopped waiting for her to react. She nod slightly and gives you a small smile.

"Hi." You said quietly, you weren't shy. Your personality is exactly like your aunt Amelia. You are sarcastic and love dark humor, you're really friendly and like to talk. But you have no idea what happened to you in that moment, you just didn't knew them. You stand next to Meredith and looked at her friends.

"So y/n, this is Izzie" She said pointing at the blonde woman. "Cristina" She pointed on the one with the black hair. "George" She pointed at the one with the funny haircut and brown hair "And Alex" She said and rolled her eyes "We don't really like him" She whispered in your ear and you chuckled. She was fun, you like Meredith. You wanted to hate her for your mom... You really do! But she's a victim of this situation exactly like you...

"Where's your mom y/n?" Izzie ask. "Izz stop!" Meredith tried to get some sense into her "She's in New York... She's coming back in 3 days" You said when their pagers turned off and they all run

"Go to your dad y/n, I need to go." Meredith said and run off too. You got into his gallery watching his surgery, you respected your dad's job, Neuro is cool but you really want to be in Peds or General when you grow up.

Hope you liked it❤️

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