Chapter 41

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Author Note:
Ok so the next chapters are going to happen in LA- and will be apart of the show "Private Practice" storylines. So if you haven't seen it yet, I recommend you to go and watch! It's not required but the chapters may spoiler you some of the show...

It's been a month and Blake and her Family moved away to Philadelphia so she could start fresh and leave her pass behind her.

You are currently at your mom's, you had 2 weeks off school because you moved in with your mom last month. You love Seattle but you spent too much time without being with your mom. You know your life in Seattle will still be there when you'll decide to come back. You'll miss your friends and family in Seattle but you had to do it for your mental health. Unfortunately you have school tomorrow.

You're currently in your room playing with Willow when you hear someone downstairs. You keep Willow in the room while going to check who it is. Then you see a man and a woman half naked on the kitchen floor.

"UNCLE ARCHER?" You shout looking away immediately. And in that exact moment your mom walks in the house and look at what is happening.

"Omg! Y/n room. Archie put something on!" You walk upstairs to your room. Willow escapes out and you just sit in your room waiting to be called back downstairs. After like 5 minutes your bedroom door opens.

"Hello to my favorite niece!" He said and you rolled your eyes and get up to hug him while saying "I'm your only niece".

"And you're still my favorite" he said and you look at your mom who was standing just behind him.

"Why are you here Archie?" She asked.

"And what the hell are you doing half naked with some woman on our kitchen floor! Which by the way I'm never walking on again! Because, gross!" You said and you could tell your mom agreed with you because she said nothing about your language.

"Ok, first of all I had no idea you're here, I thought the house is empty. Secondly I'm so sorry Addie for bursting in, how are my favorite women doing?" He asks and you look at your mom and she smiles and chuckle.

"Everything is doing pretty good actually, y/n moved in with me until she'll decide she wants to go back to Seattle to live with her dad, for now I signed her to a private school in Santa Monica. She's starting tomorrow." Your mom explained and you smiled.

You know you'll miss Seattle but that event was overwhelming. You will visit your dad and Meredith in the holidays and on vacations, you just needed to breathe.

It's your first day at a new school and everything was overwhelming, it's the fourth time in two years you're moving to a new school, you're the new kid, again. You just hope to find your place.

You weren't expecting what happened, a girl came up to you and introduced herself

"Hi, I'm Jenna Cassidy, I'm guessing you're the new girl?" She said asking you and you nodded

"Yes, how did you know?" You ask her.

"Ummm, my mom is your English teacher and she told me there's a new student in her class and I don't recognize you so I took my shoot" she said and chuckled. She is brunette and had a lot of freckles on her face and when she smiled at you she had a really deep dimples. Her eyes are blue-green, she has her hair in a bow and the uniforms look fantastic on her. Then a guy came up to both of you and started teasing her.

"So Jen, I need money for..." then he looks at you and smiles

"Hi, I don't think we met, nice to meet you" he said taking your hand and kissing the back of your hand. He made you blush a little. He's really handsome he has the exact same hair and eyes color as Jenna and he basically looks exactly like her but in a boy.

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