Chapter 18

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Day two in therapy, you were late because off course your dad forgot about it...

You set at the waiting room playing with your new ring

"Y/n Montgomery Shepherd" Lucy said and you walked in

"So this is your dad out there?" She asked and you nod

"Yep, my dad" You didn't looked at her, you set there playing with your ring

"A new ring?" She asked what made you stop playing with it and you out your other hand on the ring and looked at her

"Yes, my... a friend bought me" You said and she just looked at you and squeezed her eyes like she knew you are lying

"If you lie to me this therapy thing will not work and you know that" She said and you nod and sighed

"Meredith bought me this" You said and smiled a little

"Meredith? Your father's girlfriend?" She asked and you nod

"So, you like her?" She ask

"I do, she's really nice" you explain and she smiled

"I am happy" She said

All the meeting you talked about Meredith and Izzie and Cristina and Alex and George.

Now you're going back home, well to a hotel room because your dad is still living in his trailer he decided for the sake of both of you to spend this 2 night at a hotel...

Your stomach really hurt all the ride to the hotel

You entered the room and had straight to the bathroom, you sat down and oh no, it cant be! Not right now without your mom! Your first period can't happen now!

You tried calling her but she was probably in a surgery so you decided to look in the drawers for some lady products but realized you know nothing about it...

Than, your mom called you back

"Mom!" You said on the phone

"What is it sweetie? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine... it's just... I am pretty sure I got my first period right now" You said and she was quiet for a second

"Oh! I'm so happy! My little baby is becoming a little woman!"

"I have a surgery I really need to go love, anything else? Are you fine? Did you handled everything?" She ask and you sigh, you really don't feel like this is important enough to keep her for saving lives

"I'm fine, I love you, bye mom"

"Bye baby" She hang up, great now what?

"Y/n? Are you okay in there?" Your dad knock on the door and you sigh

"No!" You yell, you sighed and explained what happened

"Did you called your mom?" He asked

"I did... she's in surgery" You said and

"Did you tried Amelia?" He asked, Amelia! Great idea

"Now, I'm calling now!" You said calling her

"Hi princess" She said

"Are you free to talk?" You asks and she sighed

"No really, I am running late for a class... But if you need me I can call you in an hour"

"No it's fine, I... I got my period" You said and she was really quiet

"Omg! Did you told your mom??"

"I did" you said still sitting on the toilet absolutely helpless

"Bye sweetie I talked to you later, I am so happy for you!" She said and you hang up

"Aunt Amelia is in class!" You yelled and he was quite, you're pretty sure he called someone. How come that in the moment you really need them all the women in your life are not with you!

After something like 10 minutes of you sitting there bleeding and helpless and almost crying, you heard someone walking into the room and then knocking on your door

"Y/n, it's Meredith can I come in? I brought pads and some clean clothes" She said and you smiled, Meredith! Your dad called Meredith!

"Yes" you said with your voice sounds like you're almost crying, She came in

"Here" She said giving you the clean clothes and a towel

"You can go in the shower and when you come out I can show you how to use the pads fine? I'll be right outside promise" she said and smiled walking outside

You took a shower and you were terrified of bleeding all over the floor and the towel, you put a shirt on so the towel was just on your lower part of your body

"I finished" You said and she came in

"So put your underwear and pants and sit on the toilet" She said and turned around

"How are you going to help me without being able to see me?" You asked her nervously and start panicked and set on the toilet and she chuckled

"Are you done? Are you sitting?" She asked and you hum so she turned around

"So here is one of your underwear, And this is something called pad, You're putting it on your underwear so you won't bleed all over everything" She said and chuckled and smiled and you did the same, she showed you how to put the pad on.

You put it on and your stomach still hurt like crazy

"Ask your mom what kind of pills for stomach pain she's giving you and if you has any medical allergy to any pills, for now because you're really suffering I bought you this hot bottle for your pain, put in your belly and wait for your mom to tell you which pills are the best you" Meredith said and you nod and hugged her

"Thank you!" You said and she hugged you back

"Of course!" She said said and hugged you

"Yes, thank you so much Mer!" Your dad said and hugged her too and then they separated and looked at each other awkwardly but you could tell they're still in love

"Can you stay for dinner? Dad told me we're getting Pizza tonight" you said and she looked at your dad

"Please dad, can she stay?" You ask your dad playing innocent about it although you are really aware of what is happening between them

"Yes, We'll be happy to have you" he said and touched her shoulder

"You know what, how about you come to my house, Izzie is already cooking all day... I think she's going to be happy to see you" She suggested and you nod and looked at your father

"I can't really argue with you, am I?" He said to you and you nod in agreement

"Fine, come on" He said and you all headed to Meredith's house...

Hope you liked this chapter<3

Thank you soo muchh for 5.5k reading❤️

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