Chapter 27

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You woke up, It's been 3 months since everything.

It's officially summer vacation, you go to visit your mom for 1 month and then you're going to spend 2 weeks with your aunt Amelia, you feel like you really need that time off, before you'll be in the 8th grade.

"Bye dad, I love you I promise I will update you" You said and kissed him before you look at Meredith and hug her, they're in an amazing and stable relationship for now...

"Bye Meredith, Love you" You said and gave her a big smile "Lexie is nice, give her a chance"you said and she gave you a look and you just chuckled

You get in the cab where your mom were and you put your head on her shoulder and smile- you're going to spend this summer with your mom.

"Mom, Thank you for letting me spend time with aunt Amy, I know you're worry" You said and she looked at you and smiled she smiled a big smile

"I will trust your amy with my life, I love the fact you look exactly like her but to be honest with you I'm scared you will turn out like her at your age, it's not my story to tell so don't start asking, if you're curious ask your aunt when you see her. I love her so much but I will always love you more" She said and kissed your head...

You landed and you both went to your mom's house, when you got in you saw your favorite meal on the kitchen table it was a good thing because you were really hungry after the flight you looked at your mom

"I assume you'd be hungry when we get here so I asked for Naomi to make you this, I really hoped you would eat that..." She said and you smiled a little smile

"Thanks, I will text Aunt Naomi later" You said seating down and grab a plate and pure yourself from the food.

You look around, surprisingly it's the first time you see your mom's house in LA and it's huge and her house is literally on the see. You took a small bite and it tasted amazing but you couldn't keep eating, you only wanted to explore the house more.

"I love it, and it's amazing but can I see my room? I want to put my stuff there, and I want to see everyone already!" Your mom gave you a look.

"Please eat, for me, just finish your plate everyone are waiting for you and your room aren't going anywhere. You must be hungry you didn't ate anything all day. I'll take your suitcase to your room for you." She said and you nod, you know she's just looking after you so you're not that annoyed...

It's been like half an hour and you still hadn't finish your plate, you're still struggling but you ate more than half so your mom let you stop.

"Are you sure you good?" She asks and you nod

"I'm fine, I'm not hungry anymore, promise." You says and smile "Can I see my room now?".

"You can, come upstairs" She said and you nodded and went to see your room. You enter your room and the walls are white and your bed is really big and look really clean and nice, you also have a bathroom in your room and a mini fridge near your bed.

You have a wall closets and a lot of space for your stuff, you have an hanging chair and a really nice white carpet, your room looks amazing, you turned around and hugged your mom

"Thank you" You said and she hugged you back

"Of course baby. Now, do you need sometime exploring your room or do you want to go now?" She asks and you look at you room, you look at the time in your phone, *1:37am*.

"Can we leave at 2?" You ask

"Sure, If you need anything I'm downstairs, we could go shopping later if you'd lik..." You didn't even let her finish before saying "I'd love too" You give her a kiss and she closed the door.

You set on the little chair near your dest and you saw a little box lying there, you open and see a lot of photos, you go through them and the last photo is a photo of you and your parents in your twelve birthday, right before everything, you look at the photos and you actually don't regret anything that happened this year. There's also a letter there:

To my baby girl
You're reading this letter so it's means you're in your new room. I know it must be a little overwhelmed and scary to have this whole new life now, but I know you can go through this.
I missed you so much my baby, I missed your laugh and smile and our little jokes, I also missed your anger, being away from you my little baby, physically hurts me, the only thing that helps me go through that is that I know you're okay.
I know you're going through a rough time right now so I left a few surprises in your new room, enjoy monkey.
Love, Mom.

First hint: You get food from there.

This letter made you cry. You opened your mini fridge and saw some snacks and a few drinks. Then you saw the next hint:
Second hint: Your favorite 'hide and seek' hide.

Easy it's the closest, you open the closet door and see another note and you see a photo of you and your mom while you're in the shower.
Third hint: The photo.

You walk in your shower and saw another little box, it was a little pink collar, what? You rushed downstairs

"Mom, what is thi..." you couldn't even finish your sentence before you saw your mom with a little kitten

" you couldn't even finish your sentence before you saw your mom with a little kitten

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"Oh my god!" You said and grabbed her from your mom's hands

"Is she mine?" You ask and you mom nodded

"I was thinking that if I will bring you a pat you'll have a reason to visit me more, plus while you're not here it will be easier to raise a cat then a dog... and after everything you're going through I heard that bringing you a pat is a good idea." You lay your new kitten on the couch and just gave your mom a hug

"Thank you, I love you so much." You said and she hugged you back and you felt the tears in your eyes but you wiped them reap quick before your mom realize.

"Can we go now? I want to see everyone" your mom gives you a big smile and nod, she grab her purse and keys and you grabbed your phone, you took the kitten with you, your mom bought her a little kitten carrier.


You get to choose the kitten's name!

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