Chapter 26

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No one's POV:
Meredith comes back to the room, you know she's going to ask questions you don't want to answer.
You know it was stupid but they were mean and you were mentally not okay, you wanted to be loved from people, you really felt like no one loves you because how you look. You are a stupid redhead with ugly puffy cheeks and stupid brown eyes you're happy family aren't happy anymore and you're mom left you not a long time ago, you feel alone.

"You better start talking." She said firmly, you sigh, she has no right to tell you what to do.

"You can't tell me what to do, you are not my mom!" What you said was true so why did you regret that the minute you said it?

"No I'm not but I love you and all I am trying to do is to help you, you're important to me so much I don't want anything bad to happen to you, so please, tell me please what is going on with you" She said and you sighed again and started talking, you told her everything, even what they told you, It took like 2 hours to tell, you cried and she asked questions and made you eat, it was a lot.

"I need you to know it's nonsense, you are the prettiest little girl I've ever seen, and I tell you that as an outsider, You are not fat and there is nothing wrong with you." She said and you looked at the floor

"I know now" You said with a strangled voice and tears

"I need you to say it. Please so I could believe you" She said, you know she was lying, she wanted you to believe it

"There is nothing wrong with me" Aww you said and she nodded and hugged you again, then she got paged and ignored it

"You need to go" you told her and she shook her head

"You are more important than that, You are more important to me right now" She said and you nodded and just rest in her arms.

Not even three minutes later someone burst in

"Here you are, Mer it's your interns they are stupid and they been asking for you because one of them almost killed a patient" Cristina said and Meredith looked at you in a 'are you okay if I'll go' look so you nod

"I need some alone time, I want to call my aunt" You said and she nod and gets up and walk to the door but right before going out she looks at you

"Please eat, for me" Her words, you got mad about her making you eat with the fact she asked it for her. You love Meredith so much you really don't want her to hate you or leave, she's not your mom, she has no responsibility on you she can leave whenever she wants to. You nod.

You opened your phone, it was close because you hate being on it, it takes all of your day, but you need it now, to get out of the world.

5 missed calls from "Mom❤️"
7 messages from "Mom❤️":
I'm on my way, Meanwhile please talk to Meredith about what's going on, I know I'm not there right now but she is, so don't be as mean as you feel like being for open a sensitive topic, let her in. 46 minutes ago
Please call me back. 50 minutes ago
I just want to know how are you. 1 hour ago
Please consider coming here. 1 hour ago
I should've known, it's my fault. 1 hour ago
I'm sorry for not being there for you. 2 hour ago
Call me back 2 hour ago

She's not serious for coming here, but to be honest you missed her. You do need your mom here.

You looked at the sandwich Meredith made you, you took a bite, it was very tasty but you just couldn't eat.

You went to sleep on the couch.

"Y/n.." You hear someone calling you and you opened your eyes

"Mom!" You jumped and hugged your mom, you missed her so much, the minute you saw her you start crying in her arms.

"I'm sorry mom I'm so sorry for worrying you" you said and she just hugged you as tight as she can

"I love you baby, I'm sorry I wasn't here for you, please consider to come back with me" She said pulling apart from the hug to look at you and you shake your head

"I don't want to leave my friends and dad, I don't want to start over again! I love you but I feel good in Seattle, I mean accept of what happened to me now.." You said looking down

"You need a change! You can't keep going like that, I can't leave you here knowing you're not safe, how does your dad didn't noticed!" She said with teary eyes, you can tell she's blaming herself for what happened to you, you hug her again

"I know you feel guilty for what happened but I'm so thankful that you left me in good hands! I know it could've been so much worse if Meredith didn't catch me." You said and she nod and kissed your forehead

"Oh my sweet baby, I have no idea what to do without you. You know I love you more then anything right? I'm sorry for leaving you" She said and you had tears in your eyes now

"I know, I love you too. And stop saying you left me! I chose not to come with you. You have nothing to worry about" You said and you looked at her, she's thinking about something, she have an idea.

"I will come visit for 2 days every other weekend, and you will be able to come see me at school breaks" She said and you smiled and nodded

"I'd love too" you said and hugged her, you are just happy she forgot about what brought her here, maybe she will let it go. Someone opened the door.

"Mer!" You said and smiled at her, then some women with a white coat walked in after her. After your mom left you stopped going to Dr Miller.

"Hi, I'm Dr Lisa Boyd and I am a specialist on a Eating Disorder among teenagers, I will love to help you heal" She said and you looked at your mother and your dad's girlfriend and realize you have no where to escape so you looked down and again at your Mom she nod and you sigh

"Okay" You said and Lisa smiled.

I just realized I changed Meredith gift from a ring to a necklace😭

Sorry! Tell me what you want it to be🥲
And sorry it took me so long to update❤️

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