Chapter 5

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You walked out from your dad's surgery in the middle of it, it was really boring... it's a surgery you saw like a million times before... you got out and entered the gallery next to it. Cristina was there with Dr Burke, You really REALLY didn't like this guy. After like 5 minutes Cristina suddenly fall on the floor. Gosh, does she okay? The doctor next to you run to the intercom and start yelling

"Yang! Someone help her!" She yelled. You can't understand what happened. You got up and walk out and you just went to look for your dad. You walk downstairs to the lobby and then you saw your mom! She was there with George and talking to Richard, you run to her and gave her a hug

"I thought you needed to come in 3 days!" You said to her. "You're right, but I missed my little monkey" She said kissing the top of your head, then Izzie came running towards you "Umm, Dr Montgomery-Shepherd I don't want to bother you but umm, Cristina, one of the interns, she.. ummm.. fainted and they need you in OR 4"

"What they need me for?" Izzie just looked at your mom, you looked at both of them confused. "Wait Cristina's pregnant?" You ask and then Izzie and your mom rushed to the OR. "Bye monkey, go look for your dad!" Your mom said.

"Where IS my dad?" You ask Webber. "He's still in surgery" He said and you sigh, great you're alone AGAIN. And you're starting school in a week! You decide to wander around the hospital. You see Meredith, she look really nervous. You have no idea if you should go to her until she look at you, you looked away. But then she come towards you, she hug you, Why does she hug you? Then she pulled away and leave, maybe she thought it was weird too.

"Meredith!" You said to get her attention, she came to you. "Are you okay?" You ask knowing something is wrong, she was hanging out with Cristina so you knew they are friends but you didn't knew they're this close.. "Yes, I am, Cristina is my friend... I'm just scared that's it. And.. I didn't meant to hug you.. actually I'm not even a hugging person, I just... I have no idea what happened" She said mumbling

"Do you love my dad?" You ask trying not to get too personal but you really wants to know, you have no idea why you like Meredith so much, but you do. So you really wanted to know what's going to happen.

"Love is a very strong word nosy.." You chuckled for the nickname she gave you "First off all I have a name, "Nosy" isn't it. Second of all you got what my point were" You said rolling your eyes "So I guess you're more Bossy then Nosy *she chuckle* I really really like your dad, he's a good man and I don't think I want to be angry anymore... And.... you're his daughter so I'll stop talking" She said chuckling

"Are you hungry? Both of my parents are operating and I thought about going to the cafeteria to eat... you don't have to come I just... I would like you to come.." you said "And I would like to come" She said and smiled at you, you smiled back and went to the cafeteria.

"You really resembles your mom, you know?" She said and you nod and chuckle. "It's the hair that confuse you, but I look exactly like my aunt Amelia. I'm literally her with a red hair, and my behavior is exactly like her, this is why my parents keep like thousands eyes on me I have no idea why" you said and took a bite from your Hamburger.

"Amelia is the junkie sister no?" Amelia is what? What does she mean by "junkie"? You are very, very confused... "Junkie is..?" You ask her and then you could tell her face turn white and her smile immediately dropped after she realized she just said something she didn't need to...

"Forget I even said something... I shouldn't have say something" She said and get up, ready to leave. "No, you don't get to leave without explaining me!" you said pretty sure she's going to yell at you back and leave "I'm so sorry nosy, You're a really nice kid but you're not my kid. And I'm pretty sure I crossed a really big line with even talking to my ex boyfriend's kid..." She said and walked away, she left you there watching her leave. Why do you care so much about her? You have your mom... you don't need her.

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