Chapter 31

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"Wow" was the only word Charlotte said after hearing your story. Her eyes was wet.

"So your mom cheated on your dad? I'm not trying to justify her but doesn't your dad did the same thing with Meredith?" Charlotte asked and that made you think, he did. The first minute he had to run away he did it. He ran away. They went through a lot after that, and you realize that the cheating wasn't why they split up, they had bad relationship even before, and your dad is happy with Meredith and you like her. And your mom is happy here.

"You're right, he did" you said and wipe your tears

"Do you need me to call your mom ir something?" You didn't respond

"I have to do it kid, so she won't worry about you." You felt your tears filling your eyes and she probably saw it because she quickly said "You know what? I have some paperwork to finish so after that I will get you back to the Practice, deal? It will be like 10 minutes" you nodded and smiled.

"Thank you, But you don't need too, I'll go, I'm sorry for  into your day like that, you're a stranger and you never asked for it. I'm sorry for being a burden" You said and she shook her head.

"Don't ever be sorry for coming for help, You're a very smart kid, you knew what to do. You're always welcome here." She said with a smile.

"Can I hug you?" You ask, she always looks so uncomfortable when you're trying to hug her, she nodded and you hugged her. You couldn't help yourself but to start sobbing on her shoulder, you have no idea why, all of your emotions just flew right away.

"It's okay kid, let it go, it's okay to cry sometimes" She said and stroked your hair. Charlotte really reminds you of your aunt Amelia, but again she's nothing like her. She's closed up and your aunt is the friendliest person you know, they're both kind though, Amelia will do anything for you, Charlotte is kind to you even though you're a stranger to her.

"Why are you so nice to me? You don't have too..." You said and she just looked at you and smiled, her smile was a really nice one.

"Because... you're a kid... You're Montgomery's kid, you're a kid of someone I know, and even though everyone thinks I'm heartless, I don't. And when you come here upset I'll be there for you, every time. Okay, lets stop being cheesy and call your mother, she has to know you're with me, sorry kid." She said and you chuckled and nodded

"Thank you Charlotte" you said to her. "Any time kid" She said and you smiled. She picked up the phone and dialed the numbers.

Charlotte's POV
Addison's kid is in my office, she's really nice for a 15 year old girl. She was friendly and talkative, and she needed ME. She had a fight with her mom and she cane to ME, why me?
Now I'm dialing Addison's number to tell her I had her child with me and she's okay.

"Hello, Addison Forbes-Montgomery's phone"

"Addison?" I asked

"Speaking... Charlotte?"

"Y/n is okay, she came to my office, I have some paperworks to finish and I'll bring her back to the practice"
I said with not even a single emotion, how can a person do something like that to her husband? After Billy I cannot stand cheaters, but who am I to enter her life and judge like that when her husband did the same night he found out?! How can a person run away from his own daughter for 3 months?! I have so many emotions about their story but again, not my say. No one care about my thoughts.

"Oh thanks god! Please tell her I'm sorry. I can come pick her up right now"

"Unnecessary, I think she needs some space, I'll bring her in like half an hour"

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