Chapter 40

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⚠️TW: R!pe⚠️

It's been really stressful couple of days. You had a really big exam coming up and in order for you to be a Doctor you has to be good in everything. Right now you're struggling with history, such a stupid subject! The only one who knows how to help you is Lexie and she's really busy too.

"Please Mer I'm begging you! Help meee" you said to her, it's literally 7 at night and you look at her helpless. She said she will help you tomorrow but it'll be too late, you dragged it too much, the history test is in 3 days. She looked at you then at her watch, then she sighed.

"Fine, we have at least an half an hour to study before you have to go to school" She said and you smiled in satisfaction. "Thank you!" You said and sigh in relief.

"Can we order in tonight? I really want Chinese food" You said and Meredith nodded. "But I just made soup" You look at her.

"Please don't make me eat it. I love you but you don't know how to cook." You said and Meredith chuckled and rolled her eyes on you.

After you studied a little you're on your way to school, you came right in time. Your first 2 classes are Spanish. You were so nervous this morning because you didn't do the Biology homework and you really hoped that you could copy Blake's homework, it's the last two classes. You went looking for her in her Locker and she wasn't there, you assumed she's in the Cafeteria but you only saw Aurora, Kaylee and Ethan, Danielle, Henry, Noah and Liv there, it's your group of friends.

Kaylee has brown straight hair and brown eyes, she loves coming in dresses to school and she loves reading books and she hears that new singer called Taylor Swift, she's only 3 years older than you all.
Her boyfriend is Ethan, he's in the football team along with Henry and Noah. He's 6'2 and has blonde hair and green eyes.
Danielle has a dark curly hair and brown eyes, she's really giggle and the happiest person you knew.
Henry has light brown hair and blue eyes, he's so cute, you can stare at him forever but he's a 16, a sophomore and Blake's older brother which means, he's off limit.
Noah has curly black hair and green eyes, he's Henry's best friend.
Liv has blonde straight hair and blue eyes she's such a sweetheart, she and Kaylee knows each other since kindergarten along with Blake and Aurora. You became friends with all of them after you met Blake and Aurora.

"Has any of you saw Blake? I really need the biology homework!" You said and sighed looking at Henry hoping he'll know where his sister is.

"Don't look at me! We didn't even came together, I just got here she's supposed to be here since the morning.

"Arie, didn't you had a class with her this morning?" You said looking at Aurora and she just shrugged.

"She never showed up! She's probably just sick." She said looking at Henry again.

"I don't think so... She wasn't home when I left it" he said and then the bell rang, you have PE now so you're hoping to see her. You grabbed the sandwich you bought at the Cafeteria and stuffed it into your mouth, everyone looked at you and chuckled.

"Come on! Well be late!" Liv said and you grabbed you. You swollen your sandwich and ran to change clothes. You decide to call Blake, it went straight to voicemail.

"Come on Blake! Where are you? I'm worried call me back!" You said and hang up.

It's already the middle of the class so you decide to ask to go to the bathroom. The teacher was in a good mood today because she let you go out. You took the hallway pass and your phone in your pocket and went out of the big stadium into the girls' wardrobes. You opened your phone and made another call, and she still didn't answer. Voicemail, AGAIN.

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