Chapter 15

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Meredith took you to some hallway with hospital beds and a snack machine

"I love my parents I do, but I think I want them apart, they aren't happy..." You said to Meredith, then Cristina suddenly came, you never really had a talk with Cristina she's always so into work

"Hi, I can't keep doing it! She just doesn't want to get up, how about you try?" Cristina said to Meredith

"Yes! Lets go!" You totally forgot about that and Meredith looks at you

"I'm sorry baby you'll need to stay here, without your parents approval I can't take you anywhere..." Meredith explains and you sighs thinking about the yelling that's going on...

"But.." She cuts you off "No buts... Sorry" She explains and you just runs off, you didn't want to see her or anyone else...

In the way you run into someone and fall, they helps you up and you see it's Callie! The same doctor whose underwear were hanging on the bulletin board

"Are you okay sweetie?" She asks after seeing you were crying

"No... My parents are fighting, my best doctor friend is sad at home and I'm stuck here! Plus my dad's girlfriend or whatever she is going to see her and I can't go because my parents are fighting..." You explains to her and she nods

"Why don't you come with me today? We'll get to fix some bones" She said smiling to you and you nod, it sounds fun...

After couple off fun hours with Callie you decide to go look for your parents

You got to there and they started arguing again and everyone AGAIN was staring at you, but this time Dr Webber saw you and burst into their room and you went right after him

"Stop that! Right now! This is a Hospital for God sakes! You have a little girl who is looking for you since this morning and was too embarrassed to step into this room! Here" He says and put a file on the table "Those are divorce papers, You have two options, to sign those papers and stop yelling at each other, or to stop this horror screaming because it gets on everyones nerves!" He said and steps out

"Y/n..." Your mom said when you feel tears coming up in your eyes

"You two are horrible parents!" You yell and runs off the room regretting what you said immediately, but they were out of line, all you ever wanted is a normal family but it's too late for that now...

You saw Mark and decide to run and hug him, he hugged you back and you just couldn't hold it anymore and start crying

"Oh y/n...." He said and hug you

"What's wrong?" He asks you and you take a deep breath

"My parents are the worst, I want to come back to New York" You says and sigh

"Stay away from my daughter!" You heard your dad yelling and you turned around

"You forgot Addison! Why are you so harsh on me! I came all the way from New York to get you back!" Mark said

"I was married to Addison, with you I have no obligation to try" Your dad said and took you hand

"Was?" You asks him "Did you and mom are divorced?" You asks not knowing what you think about it

He took you to a room- the same room they were fighting in and your mom was there

"Hi monkey" She said and smiled to you

"We are signing those papers... We just want you to know that we love you and always will be, even though we're divorce now..." Your mom said and you didn't react, you thought it's what you want but now when it's all real you think about all the good years and good experiences you had as a family...

"You have 5 minutes to get down here young lady! We'll be late and everyone is waiting for us!" Your mom yelled from downstairs, it's Christmas and you're late for your grandma

"I'm coming!" You yell and rushed downstairs

"How do I look dad?" You ask your dad and he just stared at you and smiled

"You look like a princess, my princess" He said and hugged you, then he kissed your mom, you could see the love in his eyes and how much she loved him.

"Gross! Come on mommy we'll be late!" You said and you all went outside and drove to your grandma's house

"Oh, you are actually doing this..." you said and they both looked at you confused

"We thought it's what you want..." Your mom said and you didn't know what you think

What if they are doing a mistake by getting a divorce? What if you all could be a family again? What if it's your fault they're getting a divorce?

"Don't do it!"

Till next time❤️

I'm sorry it's a short chapter but I'm going to update now in more regular times❤️
It's just getting sooo boring to me to write because nothing is happened so I'm so worried this story is getting boring to all of you too...

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