Chapter 24

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⚠️TW! ED⚠️

It's been a week, you're in class and for some strange reason you have no idea what is going on between your dad and Meredith and you don't really care at this point. Meredith is so nice to you and your dad is happy but you have no idea what is happening with Meredith and her sister. You are currently in class and just stare at the wall while biting your pen

"Y/n! Y/n! Are you with me?" Mel asked and you got back to earth

"Yea I'm fine, what happened?" You ask her

"There is an assignment to do in trios, you are with me and Annie right?" She asks and you nod, the class ends and it's now lunch time and you all walk to the cafeteria.

"Are you okay?" She ask and you nodded, you are lying you love Meredith in your life but you miss your mom, she's your happy place.

"Lies" Mel said, she knows when I'm lying it's kinda crazy

"I am not lying" you lied more, she still looking at you and then at Annie

"More lies" She said and sigh, you all picked up your food and set at your regular table

"Tell us what's going on, it's been a week since you're acting that weird, is it about your mom?" Annie said, when you first met Annie she wasn't nice but now, now you know she cares for you as much as she cares about Mel and as much as Mel cares about you.

"Honestly yes. I miss my mom... when did it became a crime to miss your mom after not seeing her for almost two weeks!" You're talking to her everyday for like an hour to catch up, she said to you how much she is good there and she can't wait for you to come visit, you love your life in Seattle but you consider seriously to move to LA. So how can you tell your two best friends in the world you want to leave them?

"It's not we just care about you and you got us worry that's all" Annie said and you nod

"I know, I will be fine maybe I will go see her in the weekend" you said and they both smiled, a cure smile that just say they care about you.

Annie and Melissa aren't with you in History and Eden is sick so you have no one today with you, and History is rough because you have a lot of mean girls in your class and the teacher does not care.

There is Gia and Polly, you really don't want to mass with them.

"Oh so you're sitting alone today? Where is your little two puppies to protect you? Oh yes there are not with you, and you disgusting little Jewish friend are not here, what a shame." Polly said and laughed

"I am not afraid of you!" It's a lie, you are, they are so popular they can make you life hell

"Yes you are" Gia said chuckling, she suddenly touched your chin and Polly pinched your belly and you jumped they chuckled

"Do not touch me!" You raise your voice and then just look at you in disgust face

"You're fat anyway so now one will want to touch you, you need to lower your expectations because the only reason you do have friends is because you made them look skinny and beautiful" Polly said and Gia laughed and nodded

"Try a diet, or... just starve yourself, you don't need food anyways after this 13 years eating for 4!" Gia added and you felt the tears in your eyes

"Let me correct myself crybaby, you probably only a baby for crying" Gia said

"Just a little fat crybaby" They said to you and you couldn't hold it anymore you ran out, you know you don't need to let them get to you but you just feel really insecure and they words really get to you, what if you are just the fat friend and Mel and Annie only likes you cause you made them look good, you are in a bathroom cell and you're crying.

"Eat baby" Your dad say after giving you a plate with grilled chicken and rice an hour ago and you haven't eaten it yet.

"I am not hungry" that was a lie, you were hungry but you couldn't stop think about the mean things they said, what if it's true?

"Okay" He said and looked at you, you got up and didn't touched your food.

You walked to your room and looked yourself in the mirror, you never cared about your look but you don't want anyone to think about you what Polly and Gia thinks.

You started cry quietly and just couldn't believe how those two girls are treating you. You need your mom.

It's a new day and long story short you're not in school you're at the hospital, you were sick of those mean girls and you have 2 hours History today, you just couldn't sit there and let them chuckle about you and stare. You didn't ate since last week you just can't, you feel so guilty that you're make yourself fat you couldn't even think about eating, you only ate apple and one cucumber once and you drink water, the water helps you forget that you're hungry.

You walked in the Hospital and you saw Meredith, Your dad kissed her, so they are together, great!

You walk to the attending lounge and just lie on the couch and looked at the ceiling with one hand on your belly, you were hungry you got up and saw a chips snack so you opened it and started eating it, when you finished it you started crying.

How could you do that?! That is so unhealthy and full of calories! You are already fat enough...

You couldn't hold it anymore you ran to the bathroom, locked the door and started vomiting.

You got out of the bathroom after washing your mouth several times and you're still crying, how can you let this feeling go? How the hell can you feel pretty again? Those stupid girls ruined you! And why do you believe them? You feel sick from yourself again and run to the bathroom, you get out of the bathroom and everything goes black...


Hi! I am trying to update as much as I can<3
I also wants to ask if you'd like to see POV's in the story (Derek's, Mer's, Addie's, Mark's etc...) lmk what you think❤️

P.S.: I didn't went through ED and I know it probably way worse than I describe in here, I'm just scared that it may be triggering for people who want through that, I want to be as respectful as I can.

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