Chapter 14

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It's been 2 months since your birthday and 10 months since you got to Seattle.

Yesterday was a big party at the Hospital so you slept at Melissa's it was fun and yesterday was the last day of school so it's summer vacation!

"Sweetie your mother will be here in an hour to pick you up so would you two want some breakfast?" Melissa's mom- Claire asked.

"Fine Mrs O'Brien thanks" You replied

"Mom we really want breakfast, can you make us eggs and bacon? Please" Melissa said and her mom nod.

You ate your breakfast and then someone knocked on the door, Mrs O'Brien opened the door.

"Hi Addison! Come on in!" She said and your mom came in the house looking really upset, you knew your mom, no matter how much makeup she'll put you could tell she cried.

"Thank you so much for having my daughter here, now we need to go home" She said and grab your arm

"Bye Mel! See you soon" you said and you just walk to the car

"Mom, does everything okay?" You knew it was stupid to ask that the minutes it came out of your mouth.

"Yes I'm fine monkey" she said and kissed your head "How was with Melissa? Fun?" You just nod

"Great now we are going to the hospital" It's weird she said that because she doesn't suppose to be in the hospital till 12 O'clock and it's only 10:17.

And then you noticed the yellow envelope that is laying between you and your mom

"Mom, what is that?" You ask pointing the envelope

"Don't worry about it honey, I will tell you al about it when it's time, I promise. Now I need you to promise me something, Don't ever think I have a problem with who your dad is dating, it's just that you are my little girl MY and I'm not ready to lose you for some random girl your dad is dating..." She explained to you and you just looked at her while she wiped her tear off

"You're not losing me, and what are you talking about?! I thought you and dad are happily married" You said mocking her a little

"So do I, but there are a lot of things that aren't in my control baby" She said looking at you for a second before turning her gaze back to the road.

"What's in it mom!?" You asks a lot nervous and aggressively then before taking the envelope to your hands and you really wanted to open it, But for your bad luck you were at the hospital

"Please y/n, don't make me punish you. I don't want too but if you'll ever again raise your voice at me I will. Now, Go inside and look for Dr. Karev. He's on my service" Your mom said and you never saw her like that.

You know she wasn't trying to hurt your feelings but she did and you could feel tears in your eyes so you just rushed outside the car and into the hospital.

"Hi! Looking for someone?" George ask, he's a very nice person, all of Meredith's friends are.

"Yes, Have you seen Alex?" You asked him and he nod

"I'm on my way to the pit to see Bailey, Alex and Mer come with me" He said and you nod and went to there.

On your way you saw Bailey and everyone standing and staring at a wall

"Who's damn panties are on the wall?!" Bailey yelled at everyone and you couldn't hold it and start giggling

"Does it look funny to you Miss?" Bailey looked at you and your face immediately got serious, gosh this lady is scary!

"Don't talk to her like that! And if you really need to know they're mine! I was wonder where they were" A tall and black haired woman said and wink at you then she go away.

"Alex! I've been looking for you" you said and he nods

"Lets go we have labs results to pick up" He said

"Who was this Doctor?" You ask in curiosity hoping he knows

"This was Dr Callie Torres, she's George's Girlfriend but she's not very nice I heard a rumor she's not washing her hands after she's using the bathroom" He said and you both chuckle, but this woman looked nice...

"I don't believe rumors, and I think it's mean starting one" You said seriously.

"Really? You're going this low?! Cheating on me with this brat?! Fine, our marriage are over!" You heard a familiar voice yelling.


That is definitely your mom, all eyes were on you and you didn't know where to bury yourself

"You cheated me with my best friend! And I wanted this relationship to end a long time ago!" That was your dad, fun...

"If you wanted this to end so why didn't you? You had the chance to do it a long time ago!" She yelled, you decided to run away and you found an empty supply room and you just set there and cried.

Why are you crying? It's not the first time your parents has a fight... maybe the fact it's in front the whole hospital was different

"Y/n.." Some one got into the room, you recognized this voice very well...

"Go away I'm fine" You said wiping away your tears

"No you're not okay and I can tell... can I tell you a secret?" She asks and you nod

"Your parents are doing the best they can. My father left me and my mom has Alzheimer's... And even before she never notice me and she was the worst mother ever! But.. she's my mom and at the end of the day I respect her and everything she did for me..." She tell you, what make you feel a little better

"Did you and my dad are back together? This is why my parents are fighting?" You ask and she said nothing

"I think it's time to face your parents, you're 13 not a little girl any more but if you really need company you can always, always come to me. No matter what happens between your dad and I. Understand?" She asks and you nod

"Where is Izzie? I haven't seen her all day" you said but from the look on Meredith's face you knew something happened

"What happened?" You ask really worried

"At the past couple of weeks Izzie fall in love... with a patient, it's not allowed but she did... and last night he unfortunately died from a heart problem, Izzie isn't going to be back for some time..." She explained

"Can I see her? Please" you felt the tears in your eyes, Izzie is like your big sister and you couldn't stand the thought she's sad

"Yes, you can, but I don't want you to get upset she's lying on the floor and won't get up no matter who came in" She said and a tear managed to escape from your right eye

"Oh baby, don't worry, Izzie will be just fine" She said and then she got up and helped you up and you got out of your hiding place

"I hate you!" Your mom yelled

"I hate you more!" You dad yelled back

"You gotta be kidding me" you said and rolled your eyes

"Can we just go please! I think it's going to be A LOT worse" you said and she nod and take you with her, probably not the smartest idea with what happened later that day...


Sorry it took me so long to update ly tho❤️

*Pls don't kill me if it's not 100% like in the show, I'm trying to write a fun story❤️

**Tell me if you'd like a story in the future about you're Amelia's twin sister and you are in love with Arizona:)

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