Chapter 25

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⚠️TW: ED⚠️

Meredith's POV:
I was not supposed to be there, in the attending lounge, but Derek told me he need his scrub cap from there and he needs to get into surgery. That when I saw her, she was lying on the ground. I couldn't breathe, My heart moved faster and I tried not to panic.

"Y/n, y/n!" I said running towards her and dropping everything, firstly I felt for a pulse "found it!" I think in a relief and hold her leg up. After something that felt like 5 minutes and in reality was like 5 seconds she got up and I could tell she's really confused.

"What happen to you??" I asked feeling overreacting, she's not my kid, she's my boyfriend and his ex wife's daughter. I just feel like I love this girl so much that if something will go wrong with Derek and she'd hate me or if something will go wrong and he will not let me talk to her I will die. So this is how being a parent feels? Because it's scary.

"Nothing" She replied trying to sit straight and she get up too fast and almost falls again but I catch her and set her on the couch, then I get a page from Derek, the scrub cap shit!

"You are lying I know that, don't try to lie to me." I said and look at her ignoring Derek hoping for two possible outcomes, first of all is that he will come here and talk to his daughter, second of all is that he will find another scrub cap and will let me talk to her other way she will not be alone.

"Leave me alone Meredith" she says almost start crying, see her like this brakes my heart and I just want to take all her pain away and make it mine, So this is how being a parent feels? Because it's scary.

Derek page me again, I sigh I got up and pour some water with some orange juice to a cup, I also took two slices of bread and put on it some butter and jam from the fridge and give it to her, I give her the juice and sandwiches. I see Derek's scrub cap and take it.

"Drink and eat this until I'm coming back in 5 minutes, please stay here" I told her and she just nodded.

"Do you want me to tell your dad what happened?" I don't really know what happened I just know she fainted and I have no idea why, she shake her head no and I nod.

I found Derek and gave him his scrub cap

"Where were you? Everything is okay? It took too long than it should have and you didn't answer any of my pages..." I just kissed him and looked at my man, MY MAN. The same man that created the most incredible kid I met.

"I am fine but I can't scrub in I have things to do, I love you" I said kiss him and go, I love him so much I just so scared to lose him.

I came back to y/n she was staring at the ceiling, I noticed she didn't touched her food and I also noticed that she started a bite in the sandwich but didn't ate it, she didn't drank much from her juice and I sigh I hope it's not what I think it is. I have so much things to do and too much things happening to me with Lexie- My new baby sister, but if it is I will drop everything for her. So this is how being a parent feels? Because it's scary.

"You are perfect you know that right?" I started and she looked at me for a second with a disbelief look and got back to the ceiling.

"Look at me please, you are the one that asked me to be there for you so tell me please, and if you lie I will know, are you starving yourself?" I asked and I got more closer to her, she just looked at me again, that was it. She started sobbing and I set next to her and hugged him as tight as I can, I don't like hugging people but she needs it. After hugging for 5 minutes she let go and look at me again

"Yes, I think I need help" She said and her eyes was full in pain, I will kill for her, I don't know how that happened and as much as I don't like any interaction with Addison I have to call her. It's her daughter and she needs to know. I hugged her one more hug and then I looked at her

"Why are you doing this?" I asked and sigh, Please don't be because girls in school

"Girls in school.." I just knew it!

"Two girls told me I am fat and if they were me they would have stopped eat for not being fat" Her words aren't make sense, simply because she's not fat she had puffy cheeks but that's all

"They are stupid, It's all because you're too perfect so they're jealous." I believe in what I said, she is beautiful. She started crying again

"I think we need to call your mom baby" I said and she nodded in my hug, she wants her mom and it's absolutely understandable but it will take sometime for her to get here.

I walked outside and called Addison, not something I thought I'll do but her kid need her and if it was my kid I would kill her if now one will tell me.

"Hello, Meredith?" She sounds confused as I am for why I'm calling

"Hi Addison it's Meredith, Something up with y/n and she needs you. She's going through something and she didn't ate for I don't know how long, she asked me to call you" I said and I heard a silence on the other line

"Okay I will be there soon, and meanwhile please take care of my baby, I know she likes you" She said and I felt good that Addison trust me with her daughter

"I will I promise" I said and go back to y/n, I need to hear the full story and now.


Please tell me if you liked the POV thing!
If not I will continue with no POV's❤️

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