Episode 6 ~ Chapter 3

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I headed quickly through the hallways as the bell rang above me. I didn't expect to be late for class, but it's not like anyone would care.

I heard the teacher taking at the front of the room, and I looked inside nervously. Junkyu's head snapped to look at me, and he whispered, "Hurry, Haruto!"

I rushed inside, setting my things down and sitting carefully. The teacher didn't flinch.
"I was worried you might get caught," Junkyu said quietly.

"Me too," I said, playing along for the time being.

• • •

By the time that school was over, I was completely exhausted. Not only physically, from the night before, but mentally. I needed a moment to myself. To think. To calm down.

So I headed up to the roof just after the sun set, leaving the sky black.

As I stared up at the city and the night sky, feelings flooded me like never before. I couldn't keep up my cover much longer. I was scared, and upset, and nervous, and anxious... I hadn't stopped being like that since I died. Why was I like this? I only became a ghost because I was so angry and depressed about dying in the first place, and staying a ghost has made me even more so.

Was I ever going to escape the world?

I heard the door to the roof opening behind me carefully, but I didn't care much and continued gazing blankly at the black sky.

Before I knew it, Jaehyuk was standing beside me, looking at the darkness above like I was.

"Why are you up here so late?" he asked, not breaking his eye contact with the sky.

"I... I just..." I started to murmur, not finding the words I needed.

"You're..." he said quietly, "... the ghost?"

I looked at him. I wanted to say otherwise, to insist that I wasn't, but no sound escaped my lips, and I just stared into his eyes.

"You don't have to hide it," he said softly. "It's been a while since I've known."

Then he turned slightly to observe the ground behind us... to observe his shadow, and the ground where mine should've been.

"Jaehyuk..." I managed to say, my voice quiet and unsure.

"You must've been lonely," Jaehyuk whispered, "Not being able to tell anyone."
I turned my head down. That wasn't the response I expected.

"But now," he continued, "You'll get caught in no time. Our teacher is back. Before it's too late..." he took a deep breath, "Tell them yourself. For the friends who trusted you."

I felt tears pricking my eyes, but I nodded slowly.

• • •

The next morning, I made my way down the hall, walking to class. I had it all cleared - I was going to tell them. I had to tell them. And I was doing it soon.


I passed Doyoung in the halls, and I waved to him happily. I could sense him continuing to stare at me as I walked away, but the reason why was unclear.
I didn't think about it much. I mean, it couldn't mean anything, right?


• • •

"I found out who the class ghost is," Doyoung said, standing at the front of the room.

It was dark outside, our last class of the day, but this was ominous, and extremely discomforting. He couldn't know it was me, right?

"Should you say it... or should I?" he continued.

Stand up and confess, my head told me fiercely. And they'll all forgive you. No more lies.

But I stayed still in my seat.

And then he said a word that made my blood run cold.


Immediately, everyone in the class turned to look at me. I lowered my head, staring at my desk. I was done. Over. Everything was revealed.

I couldn't believe it.

How had he found out?

This can't be happening. Please let this not be happening.

"It was Haruto?" Junghwan gasped.
"All of a sudden?" Yedam said suspiciously. "Can you prove it?"

"I heard it myself," Doyoung said quietly, and I realized - he overheard Jaehyuk and I on the roof.

"Then... that day..." Hyunsuk said, disbelief etched across his face, "You were at school with Jeongwoo because..."

I felt tears pricking my eyes.

"No," Junkyu said suddenly, looking at me. My head was still lowered to my desk. "Stop lying."

"It can't be true, Haruto," Jihoon said, turning to face me. "Say it's not true."

Everything was flooding me all at once - expectation, fear, anxiety, hope -

Secret. Hidden. Safe.

No, I told myself. No more secrets. No more hiding. Trust your friends to trust you - Haruto, you've been in fear ever since you died. Everyone knows how much of a monster you are now. There's no point in denying it.

So I sat still and didn't say anything.

Suddenly, the door flew open, revealing the last person I wanted to see in the moment... my father. The reason I was here in the first place.

"Haruto, your teacher wants to see you," he said quickly. From the look on his face, I could tell this was a lie - he just wanted to talk to me. I didn't want to be anywhere near him, but this was a good excuse to leave my friends.

I stood up slowly and began walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Doyoung shouted after me. "Until when will you hide it? Haruto!"

I could feel the tears trying to escape my eyes, but I wouldn't let them - I couldn't cry now. That wouldn't do anything.

Before I could exit the room, my father grasped my arm, stopping me.

"Move away," I said to him, hostile and quiet.

"Now," my father said, not caring about the volume of his voice. "Let it go, son."

He said it.

He said it.

Hyunsuk gasped from behind me. Yedam stood up. "It's really you?" he said, his voice upset and scared.

I closed my eyes.

I turned around.

My emotions were exploding, taking control of everything. My actions, my mind, even my control - the lights flickered on and off repeatedly, even though I never made them. It was just my feelings erupting through the room.

Before I knew it, I was facing the class, tears streaking down my face.

The Mysterious Class ~ Ghost POVWhere stories live. Discover now