Episode 7 ~ Chapter 1

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"That's right," I whispered. "I'm the ghost."

As I said it, my tears fell faster, making me look pathetic to the class.

Junkyu walked to me, pain in his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?" he said, his voice coated in depression and anger.

"Junkyu..." I started quietly, but he cut me off as Jihoon came up beside him.
"Why didn't you?!" Junkyu shouted. "Why are you the ghost?"

"I'm sorry," I murmured, truly meaning it. "I really am..." I reached forward, but he hit my hand away, whispering, "Damn..."

I couldn't stop crying as I watched all my friendships unravel and vanish. Junkyu, the first person who spoke to me in ten years, now hated me - for lying, for being dead, for everything.

"How could you?" he whispered, and I could see the tears gleaming in his eyes as well.

"Why did you come here?" Hyunsuk asked, his voice cracking like he was about to cry too. "Why did it have to be our class?!"

I glanced at my father, who nodded slowly.

Then I let myself go.

I told them everything - when I was in class as a real student to my death, when I was all alone for ten years to meeting Junkyu and Jihoon. How my whole life changes when this class came along. How my loneliness vanished when I was with them.

"Actually, I... ten years ago, I was a student here. But, since I was young, I was weak. And it took a turn for the worse. I was at the hospital more than at school. Like others... I wanted to have a normal school life... even after death. I couldn't leave my class. But then... I met you guys.

"From now on," I said, my voice soft and sad, "I'll never scare you again. Like before... can we stay friends?"

No one moved or spoke for a moment.

"You're disgusting," Junghwan said with hatred and hostility. "Don't be pathetic! That doesn't undo what you've done! Does it make Jeongwoo wake up?!"

"That," I managed to murmur, "That wasn't me..." It was the truth. I hadn't made him fall in the first place!

Junghwan scoffed. "You expect us to believe that? After all you've done to the class?"

"Junghwan, let me explain," my father offered.

Please don't, I silently begged. Just stay quiet.

"Don't!" Junghwan shouted. "You were in this too!"

Before anything else could be said, our homeroom teacher walked in and noticed us.

"What are you all up to?" he asked, then, noticing the security guard, added, "Is there a problem?"

My father shook his head and walked away.

"Go back to your seats," our teacher ordered, and we all obeyed, even me - I brushed away my tears and went over to my desk.

Although I could feel everyone still catching glances at me.

No - not catching glances at me.

Catching glances at the ghost.

The Mysterious Class ~ Ghost POVWhere stories live. Discover now