Episode 7 ~ Chapter 2

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The next morning, when I got up and went to my classroom, I stood at the door, frozen.

I couldn't move.

I couldn't bear the thought of going in and seeing everyone angry at me, hating me, scared of me.

So I stayed at the doorway, out of sight from the class for a few moments.

Then I felt Asahi come up behind me.

"Are you going in or not?" he asked, his voice not as hostile as I'd imagined it.

I meant to say no, that I wasn't, but instead, I said, "Sorry... for putting you into the corner."

"At least... you don't seem like the devil," he said, smiling faintly. "You're really not going in?"

After a moments' silence, I managed to murmur, "I don't have that courage."

Then I walked away.

• • •

As I walked through the hallways, my head spinning, I noticed something that I wouldn't have any other time.

My father, sweeping the floor just outside the school all alone.

I stayed and stared at him for a second.

I realized, He didn't deserve to be ignored by me all these years.

He didn't! It was his fault that I was stuck as a ghost until I could resolve my grieving... but he did what he thought was best for me.

I set my bag down and walked forward cautiously. Then I spoke words I hadn't since I died.


My father looked up at me in surprise.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I... I just wanted to help you," I said, smiling a little.

Then I took the broom from him and continued the job. He set his hand on my shoulder, and I thought, I missed having family.

• • •

One more time, I thought. It was nighttime, and even though I wanted to go to sleep, I had to try reaching out to Jeongwoo again.

I opened the door to his hospital bedroom to find him lying in bed again, this time trying to sleep. When he saw the door open, he turned his head away from me.

I walked in carefully, trying to be quiet. But instead, halfway across the room, I realized, He doesn't want to see me. Not after he figured out the truth.

And I left. I left, taking my grief and depression with me.

• • •

I returned to the dorm late, and to my surprise, Jaehyuk was awake and waiting for me.

"Why are you still up?" I asked.
"Haruto..." he whispered, "There are some things you need to know."

And he explained it all to me. What had happened during the day - the class was deciding whether or not to expel and exorcise me or not. By the end of the talk, I had tears falling again.

"'Ruto," he said calmly, "listen. I'm not letting that happen."

"But I'm a monster," I whispered, looking down at my hands.

"No," he replied softly. "You're just like us. You have problems, Haruto, like we all do. Jihoon and Junkyu talked to Jeongwoo today. He told them that it wasn't your fault he's hurt."

I was surprised, but flooded with relief.

"There is one thing," he said, his voice becoming quieter. "We're voting tomorrow. But... 'Ruto.... I need you to try something for me."

The Mysterious Class ~ Ghost POVWhere stories live. Discover now