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18- Violated

Violence content read at your risk... I'm sorry in advance

Sana pov,

What is he thinking? Why he is so cold? He screamed at William, and we reached home. I got out of the car and about to run to my room.

"Where are you going?" He shouted, dragging me inside. I remained silent, trying to understand what is in his mind. Did amber complain again?

"Today is our first night!! Go to the room and get ready" He said in anger. I don't want it. I'm not ready for it, but he is forcing me to do... Why suddenly? I felt he will wait a little more time. I got fresh and sat on the bed, hoping he gives me some time more. He came to me and looked at me.

"I... I'm not ready please" I whispered in fear, thinking he melts for me.

"You're not ready for me but ready for every man around!!" He spat in anger. What did he mean? He means I'm... How can he doubt me like this... I'm not so disgusting. It hurts!!

"Come on, not today," He said pulling me towards him to kiss.

"I'm not yet ready for this" I spat in anger, pushing him away. He raised his hand to slap me, but I stopped hearing me "clause 53 you're not supposed to abuse me " I said in a loud tone. I don't want to make him angry, but I don't want to get slapped without my mistake, but this was the worst mistake I ever did. His hand landed on my shoulder, gently moving down, caressing my arm, and gifting a sneeze on my elbow. I felt relieved as his hand moved down losing my contact but soon hand returned cupping my left ball sneezing it like a stress ball. I pushed his hand and push him off, but he folded my hand behind and gently rubbed on my clothes over my assets. He got some grip on my button, which hardens once at a time. He pinched it, making me scream in pain. I felt he was going to tear of my skin from my body.

"It hurts!!" I yelped in pain, trying to free from his brutal grip.

"you gonna answer me now if you delay this little thing of yours going to bleed " He roared, twisting, and pinching hard.

"Leave please" I cried standing on my toes in pain.

"Tell me why you're here!!" He shouted, pulling me on him. I never faced this kind of brutal pain in life. Death would be far better than this, but the truth is I signed contract even after knowing everything of this.

"Because you gave me money" I whimpered in tears.

"How much I paid for your service?" He asked, still pinching me harder.

"Fortyyy millions " I cried in too much pain.

"What should you do and what you're doing?" He barked in a dominating tone. Slap would have been better than this.

"Say before I cut this off" he shouted in anger.

"To sleep with you "I cried in helplessness, humiliated on my own self.

"Then what you are doing? Why are You getting this punished?" He spat in anger, with no mercy over my tears.

"I argueddd please" I cried vigorously.

"Only argued!!" He shouted back. I know he is taking out his anger. Maybe amber again complained about me.

"Say sorry" He demanded.

"Sorryyy!!" I cried hoping the devil satisfy.

"Get on knees and say sorry " He said pulling me downward pinching.

"S... Soooryyy!!" I cried. He left me to fall on the floor, broken.

"I gave you enough time, and I never forced you to do this.. I paid you and you owe your life for me and remember your life is under my feet, don't you dare teach me my own rules...." He warned before leaving me in darkness. I cried for hours by his rude behavior. He didn't even care my feelings.

Few hours later,

I woke up from my slender sleep . my stomach grunted in hunger. I didn't have anything after lunch. His torture made it worst. I walked down into the kitchen to find some food to eat. I turned around, feeling some presence behind. Its heee.... I crossed my hands around myself in fear. I don't want to face him at least this one night. God, please one chance I want to disappear... I want to get invisible at this second.

"What are you doing here, thinking to run away?" He questioned as he grabbed my elbow, which stopped me from moving away from him. I tightened my hand on his wrist and tried to pull it away. His voice is scaring me. After a moment of fail struggles. Not again!!

"What the fuck you are doing in the Locker room? " He yelled and pulled my arm harshly. I felt my arm drifted away from my body with his force.

"Leave me!" I exclaimed as I tried to pull away. He grabbed my face and pushed me to a wall. I yelled in pain as my back hurt.

"l asked you a fucking question," he growled, and my heart skipped a beat out of fear. He seemed terrific at the moment. It felt like a ghost or devil entered him.

When I didn't answer, he dragged me all the way to his bedroom and pushed me inside. Locking it from behind, he turned around and slapped me. I gasped as my cheeks burned at the sensation.

"What were you doing with James?" He questioned me. The shock of him slapping me this horribly didn't leave my body. After a moment of silence, he grabbed my face and slapped me again. I screamed out in immense pain. I didn't answer him again because I couldn't even speak.

"Answer me!" He roared. I looked down and started crying. I wanted to leave this place or life. He raised my cheek and lowered his volume and asked me again, "Tell me," The more time I stayed silent, the angrier and the harder his grip on my chin got. It didn't take much time until he slapped me again. That was it. I fell down on the ground. My stomach churned up, and I started sobbing loudly. Constantly gasping for some air. He had triggered me.

"Tell me!! " He exclaimed. This time, he didn't touch me. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He was undoing his belt out of anger, and I knew what exactly he was going to do to me.

"Please don't." I cried, but that didn't stop him from lashing the belt straight at my legs over my jeans aggressively that I felt my flesh tear up inside my pant. I screamed and my head dropped down facing the ground as my one single sob continued for a moment. I felt my lungs close up and the space around me tighten.

He tugged my arm again, grabbed my face.

"Answer me before I kill you to death!!" He screamed on my face.

"Tell me, what the hell happened between you and James? I don't want to hit you, Sana" He shook his head. I saw sadness in his eyes, but anger conquered him. "Tell me! Why were you sitting on him?

"Why was he fucking touching you? What were you doing with him?" He screamed at my face.

Sobs cracked out of my throat, nothing else. I tried to move far from him, but he had me under his control.

"Tell me," He whispered after a moment.

I cried words are harder to leave my throat and finally responded, "l was searching for the file. He came to help me as couldn't find it. He helped me in getting up. I did nothing." I sobbed in pain. he left my arm and my face. I backed far away from him until I didn't hit the wall. He looked down on the floor, and then I saw something that I never seen before, water. There was water in his eyes, but his hands were tightly fisted together. He screamed, dropping the belt down on the ground like a physco.

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