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20- Regret


The doctor visited the mansion to treat Sana. Meanwhile, Sid entered the Mansion in a rush.

"How is she?" Sid asked William, who was standing at the door.

"Doctor is checking her" William replied in a sad tone.

"Is she fine?" He asked in worry.

"Nothing is fine sir. I regret my idea about the contract. I thought you will be happy getting her and completing her wish, but it's the most foolish idea. I killed her future to prove my loyalty towards you. I thought, she will get a good life and you respect her. But everything changed, you changed!! I never thought you can punish her like this" William burst out shocking him. It was the first time William opposed him.

In the meantime, Doctor walked out of the room after checking Sana.

"Doctor, how is she?" Sid asked in worry.

"I didn't expect this from you, Mr. Siddarth. I was helping you with this, even without her full consent. She is unaware of the thing you planned on her, but still, I was helping you totally. I agree you both had a deal with money, but the person consent is important! You don't have any right to hurt her like that" Doctor spoke out in anger. Sid looked out in shock, hearing her rude tone.

"I have seen the marks of your fingers and belt. She is not an animal that you treat her like this. As a women, I feel ashamed for accepting your case. I took special care and motivated her for you. I warned you to be slow. She is not like normal girls. Consider her as a special girl and she needs space to mingle up with your desires." She said in a disappointed tone.

"I don't mean to do that. She pissed me up. She didn't even answer me after doing a mistake. She argued, provoked. What not dancing on my head! I was slow, but she is taking advantage of me" He shouted in anger.

"You have your vocal cord. You can talk, argue, and scold, but not physically attack her like this. She didn't have food for 2 days. Her body is weak and mentally she was stressed out. You just can't do this! I know you are getting angry with my words, and you may opt to change your doctor. The coming doctor may charge you well, you can pay him/her, but the result will be terrible. To get the best result, she should be happy. If she is happy, she will accept everything herself. You need not force her mentally. Lastly, even she did any mistake talk with her. Know the matter and clear it, later think about punishing her. You need to have a mental connection before going physical. Hope you understand!!" The doctor said, walking out. Sid signed William to give the cheque to the doctor who was going down.

"Doctor, cheque!!" William shouted, running behind the doctor.

"I don't want to make money hurting an innocent girl and inform your boss I will visit tomorrow also and the day after tomorrow too... until she is fine. If next time I find any Scarch on her. I'm going to sue your boss. Keep that cheque to pay some dirty lawyer." She snapped in anger, leaving the place after passing a glare at Sid, who was looking in shock.

After a few hours,

He walked into his room. With a thud her sleep got disturbed by hearing the sound. She collected herself, balling in the bed's corner, looking at him.

"Why are you getting scared? Morning in the office you yelled with all guts?" He asked smirking, occupying the chair like a king.

"That is office. You don't hit me in front of all. If you want to take your anger, hit me tomorrow. At least you need me alive to fulfill your needs." She whimpered, balling herself in fear.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have raised my hand at you. I know my sorry will fix nothing, but still, it's my duty to apologize. "He said looking at her with guilt. She didn't respond to him. He walked to the bed grabbing his laptop and sat beside her.

"Will you say what happened that night between James and you? I want in detail, and I had CC footage but before looking at it I want to hear you" He said opening his laptop turning it on.

"You know what!! No girl in this world likes to prove her dignity and character. It's better to die then, facing such a situation." She cried, hiding her pain and sob not to show him and make him angry.

"I don't mean it Sana" He said with guilt, placing his hand on her shoulder. She pushed away his hand.

"You know me from the past one month, but you didn't even think once why will she do like this!! When you didn't trust my character, how can I hope you trust my words!" She questioned, looking into his eyes. Her words dug deep into his heart like swords.

"Anyway, this technology can satisfy you. Open the footage and watch" She said wiping away her tears. He selected the time and location and watched the footage of the locker room. He was frozen after seeing the truth.

The footage was scrolling on, and Sana narrated

"We are searching for past files to give the best output. Those files are not computerized. A big cockroach fell on me, and I moved aside to escape, but fell on James. James just helped me in standing up, but you assumed it as something, maybe... This is an open example that dirty-minded people's eyes also assume dirt. " She mocked.

"I'm sorry, I was just... At the minute... I'm so possessive, Sana... I didn't like" She showed her hand to stop him.

"You did all. I came to give myself to you, and you have all rights to do anything. You already showed me your worst." She said sarcastically. He changed time and seen the morning video of Amber and her conversation.

"What amber said you that you slapped her instant?" He asked looking at her.

"You ask her, not me!" She said not looking at him.

"Why can't you tell me?" He asked, turning her to face him.

"She accused me same like you. I slept with all to get that job. She is right. I sold myself to get this job, but not with all. I'm not so disgusting. I can hear that from you, get all abuse as you brought me, but who is she to comment on me. I didn't do any mistake slapping her because she deserves it and I can accept any punishment because I don't say sorry unless I do a wrong," she said in a stubborn teary tone.

"You such a gem, I got!! He pulled her in a tight hug. "I did such a big mistake. I misunderstood you so badly and just I can't forgive myself for that... I'm so sorry!! I really mean it!! I know, it's not easy for you to forgive me but at least accept my sorry and I promised I will never hurt you but with my anger, I gave you so much pain. I'm really sorry, baby!!" He whispered in guilt. She felt some wetness over her shoulder, which was his tears.

"You cry also?" She asked in amuse. He wiped off his tears, masking with a smirk. He got food and tried to feed her, but she turned away her face. He placed the plate on the table and pulled her feet, holding them tight before falling to his knees on the ground.

"I'm sorry, my mom used to tell me if we were a reason for a girl's tears that burns total dynasty. I promise, I will never make rash decisions. I will never distrust you, please... " He pleaded, falling on her feet. She got laugh seeing him begging, holding her feet. Somewhere she rejoiced seeing him down for her, which satisfied her ego but still, she hid her emotions inside.

"It's not easy to forgive," she said in a calm tone.

"Ok take time to forgive but till then have food and do your revolt" He requested hoping a yes, and she nodded. He fed her every bite with his hand, and she had full and slept.

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