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34- Dreams

Sid pov,

She kissed my cheek cutely. Grabbing my wrist, she dragged me to my room. I just walked behind like her lost puppy. As we entered the room, I found my mom sitting on the bed reading a book. I lowered my eyes away from her, feeling her gaze on me.

“You both came, come on, I will say a new story.” My mom chuckled excitedly.

“What story, the hound of Baskerville!” My baby chuckled, laughing.

“If I say horror story, you may not sleep, kiddo!” My mom laughed. It’s felt like a complete family for me. I always wanted this happiness in life. We liad on the bed beside my mom. She started saying a story, but that story leads to a conversation. These two precious girls of my life got into a conversation about their childhood tales. I don’t have any childhood in my boarding school, but these two have their own beautiful life playing around. I’m happy for them and me, I did a mistake, but these two girls are ready to accept my mistakes. I’m lucky to have them with me. I lost in admiring them when silence occupied my room as both dozen off into deep sleep. I pulled the quilt covering them and lied besides, not disturbing my baby. I tried to sleep and closed my eyes, but sleep was not on my path. My hands are struggling to bear this emptiness. I want to hold her back in my embrace, but I don’t want to give her a panic attack. I tried to sleep, trying all directions, rotating 360 degrees to get sleep, but I failed miserably.

After an hour, my eyes are counting the stars on the ceiling in dim light. I felt a soft hand on my wrist. I rolled my eyes towards my wrist and surprised to see her lifting my hand and placed it around her waist, snuggling into my chest like a baby. My heart warmed with happiness. She felt the same as what I felt! Such an angel I got!! I felt blessed after a long time and slept peacefully with satisfaction.

A week later,

I felt so blessed all this week with my family, but finally, I got time to bid a bye to my mom. She had her own business in Greenland. She is a florist and owns an enormous store. I just gave her investment, but she tripled it with one year. Girls have a unique quality, they can make a success as their best friend. I had an important meeting to attend. I hugged my mom, biding a goodbye.

“Can I go to the airport?” She asked in a low, hesitated tone.

“You don’t have any appointment now. You can do anything you wish,” I said with a smile. My mom pulled me back from leaving.

“I need a word from you!” she asked, forwarding her hand to me.

“What!” I asked in surprise.

“Promise me you understand her and never force her in anything! Her tears will hurt your mother too. I don’t want my son to be the reason for someone’s pain.” She said in a serious tone. I wish same. I want her with me happily. I squeezed her palm with assurance. “Your Sid will never let you down. She will be happy forever.” I said with a smile. She smiled at me proudly. I left to my office with a smile.


Every time I used to cry alone when my mom return to Greenland. I feel I’m in boarding school. My life was not out of my choice. It’s written by my dad. First time I got someone for granted is Sana. I was no more alone in my life. I was happy that I had a girl waiting for me when I return from the office. As my car halted in my parking, she came out to the main door. My face brightened seeing her beautiful, welcoming smile. She grabbed my bag from me and walked inside.

“How is your day?” She asked with a cute smile.

“It’s perfect as always,” I said, smiling.

“Are you feeling alone?” I asked with concern as my mom left after three weeks.

“Yes, a little, but you came. I prepared dinner for you,” she said excitedly.

“You’re not my chef to cook daily.“ I said in a serious tone.

“But just tried to cook. Let me learn some” she pouted.

“So, you are doing an experiment on me. Am ‘I any frog to do experiments? “ I chuckled. She laughed at me.

“Won’t you taste than” she whispered looking at me.

“Arrange dinner. I will be after a shower,” I said, taking the towel from her hand. She jumped in happiness and left the room.

After the shower, we had dinner together. She prepared a delicious meal just like my mother. We got back to the room after arranging things in the kitchen. I arranged the bed and lied on it.

“Did you like dinner?“ She asked in a low tone.

“Yes, just like mom made,” I said, taking her in my embrace.

“I got this all recipe from her “She giggled snuggling into my chest. I pulled her palm and kissed it lovely. She blushed at my gesture. We remained in silence a couple of minutes. I didn’t feel to sleep nor her.

“Do you want to sleep?” I asked, hoping a no.

“No, talk something,” She said, pulling my shirt around my neck to soften. I tried to find a pleasant topic.

“Do you have any big dreams, Mark? What is your big dream?” She asked, such a big question?..

“Getting you is my only dream” I uttered, not thinking twice. She is the only dream come true. I dream nothing because I know nothing can be possible in my life. She is the only one I wished to be by my side.

“Idiot! Sleeping with me is your dream!! Dream means you should have since childhood. Not thus few months” she scolded,

“I started dreaming only after meeting you,” I confessed truthfully. She blushed with awkwardness. I want to erase it.

“Don’t you have any dreams?” I asked, diverting the topic.

“It’s impossible one, I left,“ She said wiping off my question.

“Why? I can complete your every dream” I assured,

“No, leave it!” She argued.

“First say, then we can decide I can or not!” I said, pulling her close on me.

“I wanted a dream wedding, just like the Hollywood type. A long white frock and a prince waiting for me in front of the Church priest to take my hand. I left my dream while signing your contract and don’t worry, every dream cannot be true.” She said with faking a smile. I scattered all her dreams by the name of my contract. I felt pain in my heart after knowing what I did with her. Every girl dream of a normal life, a career followed by a wedding and a beautiful family. I cannot have a family. It’s my bitter fate, but who gave me right to spoil her life. She dreamed a beautiful life like all the girls, but I snatched her life, caging her in my lust.

“I’m sorry,” I expressed in guilt.

“’I’m thankful to you. I gave up my one dream, but it gave life to a lot of innocent orphan kids. I can never earn forty millions in my lifetime. You secured the life of little kids. My sacrifice worth it and I never thought you will protect me from your dad, but you stood for me. I felt so good. Thank you so much!“ She said hugging me. I was speechless at this moment, hearing her. She is flawless. She is a gem made for me.

“Do you want court marriage?” I asked, hoping to get a negative answer.

“I said church marriage, what I do with papers!!” she scolded, pinching me. That’s great. I want to make her every dream true. I can’t get a court marriage, but I can have a secret marriage away from the public and make her dream true. I decided not to get married, but I should do it to complete her wish.

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