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42- Pregnant

Sana pov,

I’m lying on our bed being exhausted after a big make out. He had on his boxer and left towards the drawer. He got my pills and gave me a glass of water. It tastes so bad, he might give it to prevent pregnancy. I don’t know why but I’m skipping my periods from the last two months, but he didn’t give any damn to it because he got extra 10 days to enjoy, and I got adopted to his passion.

I gulped the capsule with a glass of water. He got wet wipes and cleaned me perfectly and cuddled me with all love. Something is going inside my tummy. I feel so sick nowadays. My stomach growled in sensation as I ran out holding my tummy. I vomited out. I was about to collapse in weakness, but strong arms captured me.

“Are you alright?” He asked, scoping me in his arms.

“Yes, I think” My body felt numb in his arms. My vision landed on Mars. Everything turned black.

Next day,

I woke up in his warm embrace and looked around, scanning my room. He made me wear his shirt. I tried to get out of bed, but he held my wrist.

He looks so cute sleeping. I gently caressed his hair. He loosed his grip, feeling relaxed. I kissed her forehead before leaving to the bathroom. I got ready to attend my office. In the meantime, he woke up.

“Are you coming to the office?” He asked, rubbing his eyes.

“Yeah, we should leave. Today we had a discussion with investors,” I reminded his day plan.

“But you’re not well,” He pouted.

“I’m fine, let’s go!” I said getting down. He dragged his body lazily from the bed and walked to the bathroom.

“Will you help me in the shower?” He chuckled from the bathroom.

“My boss will kill me” I chuckled sarcastically.

“I know you had an affair with your boss. It’s too bad to cheat on your husband, “He mocked from the bathroom.

“Even I know that you had an affair with your employee. Did I ever blamed you?” I taunted back.

“She is good at pleasing me. She obeys me. If I have asked her to help me in the shower, she would have come running to help me. For your kind information she is best at work and bed,” He snapped, irritating me. For a second, I forgot the point that he is talking about me.

“Then divorce me” I taunted, irritated.

“One more word, I will take you under my shower!” He shouted in anger. I bit my lip, realizing my stupid flow of words.

“No thanks! Come down” I said running out. His anger will mess my entire day and end up in this bed.

We left to the office after breakfast. The day was worse. My nausea continued, making me more tired. I called our personal doctor and fixed an appointment.

“You turned so glowing after marriage” James uttered, looking at my glowing face. It shocked me.

“How you know that I got married?” I asked in confusion.

“Ring on your finger, angel. I know you got married but wanted you to tell me and sorry, I saw your phone call contact as hubby,” He popped out.

“Hmm, but don’t say anyone. It’s a secret,” I said in worry. He smiled at me.


“He is undercover, I can’t disclose it out,” I lied, hoping he believes.

“Great! Don’t worry, it’s our secret” He chuckled, squeezing my palm with assurance. I smiled back happily.

“Your happy, it matters me.” He said with a smile.

James is the only man in my life after Sid and William to care for me. He is my God-gifted brother from another mother. God gave me more than I wanted. So happy!”


Sid seeis busy with his meeting. I had a doctor’s appointment at 5 pm. I checked out of my office and got in my car.

“William, drop me in the clinic,” I said, settling beside him.

“Why clinic?” He asked in surprise.

“I’m sick, want a doctor,” I said. He shifted the gear and drove me to the clinic.

I explained to her about my sickness. She checked my pulse. Her eyes glowed with some excitement. She smiled at me, dropping a missile on my heart.

“Congrats, you are pregnant.” She confirmed shaking my life. This can’t happen! I had pills every day. It can’t happen! I can’t be pregnant. What is this?

“Doctor!! Doctor!! Do something? It cannot be true. I had pills from the past six months. This cannot happen” I tried to explain it as a wrong assumption. But I feel it may be true. Missing my periods added strength to this statement.

“Ok, we can scan and get confirmation,” Doctor said calming me.

I underwent scanning, and it got true. I’m pregnant, 9weeks. I can’t be pregnant. This will mess everything. What should I answer to this baby about his father? I can’t do it. He will be upset if found it.

“Can you abort?” I cried, holding my broken tears.

“What!!” Doctor asked in horror. She knows about our live-in relation, but she doesn’t know about the contract and seriously I can’t hurt him. I don’t want my baby to get insulted by this society.

“I don’t want this baby,” I said in my shaking tone.

“Why not you discuss with Mr. Siddarth?” She suggested. He has a right, but this truth may hurt him. He doesn’t want a baby, he only wants me.

“Ok, calm down. We can’t abort now?” She said in a serious tone.


“Your body is weak, and you have complications if you undergo an abortion. You may never be pregnant ever in your lifetime.” She said in a silent tone. I can never be a mother. Being childless is better than being a bad mother. I don’t want my baby to be an orphan. I have hidden my marriage but can’t hide the pregnancy from the world. I don’t want this cruel society to see him as a mistake of our relation.

“I want to abort this baby”

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